Part 9

"Who were you talking to?" Buffy asked.

"Spike," Harmony replied.  Buffy was on her feet in an instant.  "Don't worry.  After Dru was out cold, he was a pussy cat," she said petting Mystical.  Mystical gave a reproachful meow.  Harmony only chuckled before turning back to the Buffy and Angel.  "Ready to hear about the second spell?" she asked Angel.

"Second spell?" Angel asked.

"Yes, it's a strengthening spell.  Now I consulted with my professors.  We know that the spell will let you keep your soul until you don't love or feel friendship for anyone, and no one feels love or friendship for you.  We also know that a second half is possible: that during the day you will be completely human, and at night you will be a souled vampire.  Now the second half will either happen or it won't, there isn't any halfway, although there may be a sometimes.  If there is a sometimes, we believe it will happen when you love someone deeply.  That will mean it will happen all the time, or at least while Buffy is alive, or not at all.  Now if the second half does happen during the day you will be human in every way.  You will be able to eat normal food, have children," she gave Buffy a significant look," and age at about half the rate of humans.  It will also means that you won't heal fast or be super strong during the day.  It's your choice as to whether to go through with the spell or not."  Harmony slowly backed away and went over to talk to Giles, who was fairly bursting with curiosity.

Angel looked at Buffy his eyes alight with new hope.  "I would be able to see you during the day.  I could see myself in the mirror," he said with amazement.

"You'd have to shave," she shot back with smile.  He pulled her close to him and looked into her eyes.

"Buffy, I would love nothing more than to be human with you.  This could be all the dreams I never dared dream, but ... if you don't want me around that much, I'll ---"

"Angel, I love you and want nothing more than what this is offering, but I'm worried about you.  You won't be able to rush into the middle of a brawl with extra strength, but I will.  I don't want you to get killed, because you under estimated you strength, or pushed yourself too hard after an injury, or other stupid macho stuff," Buffy said tears welling in her eyes.  "Besides," she started babbling, "Being human isn't as easy as you may remember.  You'd have to get a job and earn money and cook ...and other normal ... human things."  Angel smiled at her

"It will be hard.  I'll have to learn to think differently, but I am willing to endure any hardship, if I even once got to see you in the sunlight."  She looked up at him with the tears shinning in her eyes.  He kissed her passionately and she answered him.  When they broke away, the walked hand in hand towards Harmony and Giles.

"It has always been known that one of the greatest sources of power for magic workers of good is their every present ability to turn away from the wiles of the other gender!" Giles stated.

"How many times do I have to tell you?  Your virginity or lack of has NOTHING to do with a sorceress' or magician's amount of power!  It's TRUE that evil wizards and witches can gain a small, temporary amount of power through physical pleasure, but that has nothing to do with their natural power!" Harmony threw back.

"It clearly states in several texts that some of the most powerful sorceresses and magicians were celibate and stayed celibate to keep their power!"

"Well the texts are wrong!  SU has turned out some of the most powerful sorceresses of all time and has kept records of them after they left.  Many of them were married or had boyfriends at one point."

"Political marriages are supposed to be, but aren't always consummated.  And just because two people are dating does not mean they are bedmates!"

"AAhhhhh!!  Look you must have heard of Catherine de Sulc."

"Of course."

"Her most famous mission of all was her last one.  She was called out of retirement to do it.  In the archives at SU, they say that even after 4 years of retirement she had just as much power as she ever did.  The fact the she was able to come out of retirement, have as much power as ever, and be able to do so well, despite having practiced nothing but minor magic in the last 4 years, proves that her magical powers on that mission were as powerful before."

"Yes, of course.  Her choice to retire was considered a great loss to the powers for good."

"Well, did you know that during those 4 years she got married and had a child?" Giles starred flabbergasted and could say nothing.  Buffy and Angel started laughing at the look on Giles face.

"I'm afraid she has you there," Angel said.

"I suppose so.  I will want to see proof of the children," Giles replied.

"I will do my best," Harmony replied mockingly.  "So, have you come to a decision?"

"Yes, we want to go through with it," Angel replied.

Part 10
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