See Prologue for Disclaimer

Part 2

“Buffy!” Angel yelled.  He couldn’t see her.  He couldn’t see anything.  All that was there was darkness.  It scared him, and tears flew freely down his face.  He needed her.  He knew it was his fault. If he had never gotten involved, he wouldn’t have fallen in love with her.  The minute he laid eyes on her, he feel head over heels.  He couldn’t stay away.  And now because of his interference, there had been so much pain.  He hurt her, and he knew his evil alter ego, Angelus had made tears come to her eyes.  He hated himself for that, and he would never forgive it either.

“Buffy, I need you!  Please!  Help me!”

Buffy woke with a start. She didn’t know if it had been real, or just a dream.  She could see Angel, and she knew what he was thinking.

“I love you, Angel,” she whispered quietly.

The night before, she had gone to Angel’s old apartment.  He hadn’t lived there since he turned to Angelus.  Even though he had left, all of his things were there.  She couldn’t go home because her mom had kicked her out the night she found out her daughter was the Slayer.  Buffy’s mom’s words kept repeating over and over in her head, “You walk out that door, and you can never come back.”

She had left, and now she stayed away.  She had to go talk to her mom, but she was scared.  She didn’t want to stay at Angel’s, but there was no other place to stay. She had walked there from Giles.  She didn’t plan to go there, she just kind of ended up there.  When she got there, she found the key he hid in the wall for her.  She fell asleep around four o’clock in the morning.

It was about ten in the morning when she awoke.  She got up, got dressed, and went to Sunnydale High.

“Hey Giles!” Xander and Willow said in perfect unison as they walked into the library.

“Oh…um…hi,” Giles replied.  He looked like he hadn’t had that much sleep the night before.  How could he?  All he thought about was Buffy . She was back, and now she had more on her shoulder than any regular teenager should have.  Not only was she the Slayer, but she was wanted by the police, and had been kicked out by her mom.  He felt for her.

“Giles, earth to Giles!” Xander said as he waved his hand in front of his face.  “What’s wrong with you?  You look like you didn’t sleep all night.”

“W…well, I didn’t as a matter of fact.  Y…you see it’s just that…” he stopped when he saw a shadow come from the stacks.

Xander and Willow turned around as the figure came into the light.

“Buffy!  It’s you, you’re here!” Willow said.  At first she wasn’t sure she was seeing her, but then she knew, Buffy was back!

Xander just kind of stood there trying to speak, but he couldn’t.  He loved Buffy, and when she left, his heart broke.  He thought she had left forever.

Buffy came over to him and gave him a hug, and he hugged her back with all of the love he held for her.  Sure, he liked Cordelia, but Buffy was the girl for whom he would die.  He almost had died in many situations, but she had always saved him.

“Where have you been?” Willow asked as Xander and Buffy let go of each other.

“Oh, just around.  I’ll tell you later because Giles had something very important for me.  Giles?”

“Yes?  Oh, yeah.  I’ve been reading my books, and it says her that this week end is the Revenge of Droscult.  You see, over ten thousand years ago there was a very powerful demon, Droscult.  Every thing that was evil was his slave.  They all bowed down to him.  He tried to over power the earth, but a Watcher of a past Slayer found a spell to send him to Hell, then someone countered the spell sending the Watcher and his Slayer to Hell.  Fortunately, the spell was made that it would last for centuries.”

“So, what do we have to worry about?” asked Buffy.  “This guy is in Hell, and can’t come out for centuries…. wait how many centuries?”

“One hundred to be exact.  The thing is that he will rise Saturday.  He will walk the earth that night, and he will demolish everything that has a soul.  He will kill anything good that crosses his path.  Once he gets all his strength, he will send an asteroid onto the earth killing everything but evil.  We need to stop that before it happens.”

“Oh,” Buffy commented.  She was scared, and she didn’t know what to do.

“Is there anyway we can find that spell, Giles?” asked Willow.  Being the genius, she always knew what to do to fix things.

“I can’t find it, but I’ll keep looking,” Giles said, and with that, he left the Slayer and Slayerettes to talk among themselves.

“Where are you staying?” Xander asked.

“Well, last night I stayed at…Angel’s old apartment.”  The two Slayerettes saw the sadness in Buffy’s eyes when she mentioned his name.

“Aren’t you going to go home?  I mean, shouldn’t your mom know you’re all right?”

“I can’t.  Remember, she kicked me out.”

“Yes, that’s true, but she loves you, Buffy.  She keeps calling Willow and me to see if we have heard from you.”

“I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll stop by tonight.”

“Buffy?” Giles got her attention.  “Are you ready to start training?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

“Willow put the sign outside the door.”

Willow put out a sign that read: Filing, Please come back tomorrow

Giles was exhausted. Even though Buffy had been gone for months, her fighting abilities had gotten stronger.  Every move he made at her, she blocked it.  Sometimes, he would get her to the ground, but she would counter attack sending him flying across the air.  She was in shape, not that it was any surprise.  It looked like she was ready to face Droscult.

Part 3
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