Part 10

Angel looked up at the newcomer.  The first thought that came to mind was: *This is not the blond I meant.*

The others gasped and pulled crosses and stakes out of various pockets.  Angel watched as both Xander and Oz put their respective girlfriends behind them.

"What, no hugs?" Spike asked, holding his arms out wide.  "I'm hurt."

Giles came to stand in his office door, crossbow in hand.  "What are you doing here?"

"What, the Slayer didn't tell you?" Spike said, sticking his hands back in his pockets.  He was not there for a fight.

"She told us, fang boy," Xander said.  "But we figured you'd be dust before you hit the doors."

"I'm touched," Spike said sarcastically.  He looked around for the woman of the hour.  "Where is she anyway?"

"Probably out vacuuming up your girlfriend," Xander told the peroxide blond vamp.

Spike ignored his threats and hopped up onto the counter.  "I can wait," he said, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.  He smirked at the 'smoking kills' poster next to him.  "So, what's been going on in this bloody hellhole since I've been gone?"

The group stared at him as if he grew a second head.  Spike rolled his eyes, then spotted his former sire sitting at the table watching him.  "Angel! You old fart, how are you?"

Angel was surprised the younger looking man knew his name.  He squinted his eyes and peered at him.  "D-do I know you-you?"

"I-I sh-should h-hope s-so," Spike snickered, dragging out a over the top stutter to mock the older vampire.  "It's me, Spike!  William the bloody.  Can't believe that you'd forget a guy like me."

Angel looked at the others for assistance, but they just stared at the blond.

"Come on, mate," Spike said, inhaling on his cigarette.  "You bloody made me.  Oh, that's right.  You don't remember."  He drew out the words in a sing song fashion.  "Buffy told me you were a bit daft in the head."


"Ah, the dead one speak!" Spike gestured wildly with his arms.  "Come, see the amazing Angel.  The vampire who's off his bloody rocker."

"Spike, Spike, Spike," Buffy said, entering the library.  "Are you teasing my boyfriend?"

The vampire smiled genuinely at the Slayer.  "I can't help it, it's just too bloody good of an opportunity to pass up."

Angel stood when Buffy came into the room and walked quickly over to her.  "Buffy?"

She smiled lovingly up at him, then turned her attention back to Spike.  "I haven't seen your wacked girlfriend," she told him.  "A beat up a few of your dead relatives and gave them the message that if they saw her to send her this way."

"You told Drusilla to-to come here?!" Giles practically shouted.  "Buffy, that is-is-is..."

"C'mon, spit it out, Watcher," Spike said, looking over his shoulder at the tweed clad man.  "You can do it."

Buffy rolled her eyes.  "Let's go, Spike.  We can wait for your ho outside.  I'll even beat you up free of charge while we wait."

"Yeah, I can see that happening," Spike said, sliding off the counter.  He looked Angel over from head to toe, then chuckled.  "I'd leave your main squeeze here, luv.  I don't think he's up for seeing what you do for kicks."

"Guys," Buffy turned to address the nervous Slayerettes.  "I'm going to go wash Spike's mouth out with my fist.  We'll be out front if you need us." She stood on tiptoe and kissed Angel on the lips.  "I'll be right back," she whispered.  Turning on her boot-clad heel, she gestured to the door.  "Shall we?"

"After you, ducks," Spike said, bowing slightly.  Buffy practically bounced out the door, followed quickly by the blond vampire.

Angel frowned at the swinging doors then turned to the group.  "Who was th-that?"

The Slayerettes, however, were gathering their weapons to take the party on the road.  "Xander, keep an eye on Angel," Giles instructed.  "I don't think Buffy wants him running headlong into danger."

"Got it, G-man," Xander said, pocketing some holy water and his stake.  "C'mon, Deadboy.  Let's get front seats for the show."

"Did you remember the popcorn?" Oz asked Willow as they gathered their own equipment.

"Drat," Willow said.  "I forgot.  Maybe next time."

"What about me?" Cordelia whined.  "Why do I have to go watch Buffy pummel Spike?"

"You are more than welcome to stay here with me, Cordelia," Giles told the brunette.

"Thanks, I think," Cordelia said, not sure whether to be relieved or upset.

Willow, Oz, Xander and Angel wandered to the main doors of the school, in no hurry what so ever.  Angel listened as the three placed bets, on what he had no clue.

"Shiny nickel says Buffy makes a Billy Idol remark," Xander said, twirling the stake in his hand.

"My bets on 'your roots are showing,'" Oz said.  "Which they were.  In a major way."

"Um...make my day?" Willow suggested.  The two teens shot her a puzzled look.  "Ok.  How about 'the punk phase is dead and buried?'"

"Good one," Oz said, squeezing Willow's hand.  "Does she ever say anything about his accent?"

"Actually, it's kinda sexy," Willow said.  "In a non-good-guy sort of way. Never mind."

"Are we suppose to stay inside, or can we take a seat on the steps?" Xander asked as they reached the front doors.

"She probably wanted us to stay inside," Oz said.  "We can always compromise.  Lean up against the open doors."

"Sounds like a plan," Xander said, pushing open the door and sliding to the ground.  "Have a seat, Angel.  The shows just starting."

Angel sat next to Xander as Willow and Oz did the same across from him.  The three all were watching intently at the empty sidewalk in front of the school.  "Wh-what are we looking f-for?"

"Just watch," Xander instructed.  "But whatever happens, stay put.  Buffy will kill me if I let you get hurt."

"I think I hear them," Willow said, excitedly.  The hacker was not to be disappointed.

"You don't bite me, I won't turn you into an airborne allergen," Buffy's voice rang loud and clear from out of sight.

"You're on," Spike answered.  And the fight began.

Spike was the first one to roll into sight of the spectators sitting in the doors.  He gracefully stood and waited for Buffy's next attack.  He didn't have to wait long.

Buffy came flying into view with a flip over his head, landing on her toes behind him.  She threw back her arm from the elbow, whacking Spike in the back of the head.  Spike spun and caught the Slayer across the neck, but she grabbed his arm and hoisted him over her shoulder.  He landed on his feet.

Angel watched with panicked eyes as his love fought with the blond from the library.  Buffy landed two hooks across Spike's jaw, which he returned in favor.  They began punching and blocking in earnest as the comments the three Slayerettes bet on started to fly.

"Is that all you got?" Buffy taunted, lashing out with her foot.  "Your ability must coincide with your bleached head.  When the roots start showin', the skill gets goin.'"

"That's one for me," Oz said, leering at Xander.

"Very funny, pet," Spike said, catching the Slayer's next kick and twisting.  She flipped over and caught his jaw with her other foot while regaining her balance.  "At least I'm not shagging the reject from Hell."

Buffy ducked under Spike's kick, but was cracked across the cheek by his fist.  "Ha, ha."

"I think that's bloody hilarious.  Angelus, the scourge of the vampire community, kicked out of Hell," Spike laughed.  Buffy caught his next fist and twisted, throwing him over her shoulder again.  He rolled to his feet.  "Aww.  Too close to home?"

"Like you can talk," Buffy said as she kicked low.  "You're 'shagging' someone who has lengthy conversations with her dolls."  Spike did a spinning back kick and the Slayer went flying to the ground, but she didn't break her concentration.  "And runs away from you when she hears her 'daddy' is home."  Arching her back, Buffy pushed off with her hands and flipped to her feet.

The three Slayerettes were so intent on the fight they didn't notice Angel start to growl.

"Oh, piss off," Spike said as he ducked under her swing.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk," Buffy chided as they continued to block each other's punches.  "Billy Idol's losing his cool."

Xander smirked at Oz, then continued watching the entertainment.

Spike glared at the Slayer, then faked a punch.  She went to avoid it and the vampire landed a solid kick to her stomach, sending her flying back.  Buffy landed on her back heavily, the wind knocked out of her.  Knowing she would get up any second, Spike kept his distance, waiting for the attack to come.

He didn't realize that it would be coming from the front doors of the school.

Angel launched himself out of the door at full speed when he saw Buffy fall to the ground and not get up immediately.  The growl that had been building echoed in the night sky as Angel tackled the other vampire.  They rolled together across the sidewalk like cartoon characters.

"Angel!" Xander shouted from the door.  He jumped to his feet and started down the stairs.  Willow and Oz stood as well, but kept their places in the doorway.

Angel didn't hear the shout as he drew his fist back and slammed it into the blond.  Again and again he pummeled the vampire, pinning him to the ground with his weight.  Unknowingly, his game face had slid into place.

 Spike tried to protect himself from Angel's wrath, but he couldn't break through to his sire.  Finally, he swallowed his pride and called for the Slayer.  "Buffy, get your overgrown St. Bernard off me!" Angel's yellow eyes flashed up at Buffy.  Buffy gasped, not realizing he had slipped into game face.  "Buffy?" Angel said, his ridges and fangs fading.

"Yeah.  It's me," Buffy said.  "You can get off him now."

"B-but he hurt y-you," Angel told her.  He looked back down at Spike laying beneath him and growled, fangs evident once more.

"Pet, I don't think he knows he's doing that," Spike said, gesturing to his face.  Blood poured from his lip and cheek.  "He's gone into protective mode."

"Angel, stop," Buffy commanded in a soft tone.  Angel brought his gaze back to her, his features melting into human once more.  "He didn't hurt me.  We were playing."

"Play-playing?" Angel said allowing Buffy to bring him to his feet.

"Yes, playing," Buffy said.  "See, I'm not hurt at all."

"Yeah, but I am," Spike grumbled from the ground.  He wiped his lip on the sleeve of his leather duster.  "I knew there was a reason I left Sunnyhell Farm."

Xander approached the threesome, a worried expression on his face.  "You're not going to hurt me, are you Buff?  Angel kind of surprised us all, even dog-breath."

"Nah, it's cool," Buffy told Xander.  "But I think this is enough stimulation for one night."  She turned to Spike and offered him a hand up.  "C'mon, I'll clean you up inside."

Spike glared at her.  "I don't need to be bloody babied."

Buffy just rolled her eyes.  "Fine, stand out here.  Let all the vamps that come by see that you got beat up.  Show them the master vampire you really are."

"I don't know why I put up with this rot," Spike mumbled to himself.  Buffy laughed at him, but he followed the little group back to the library anyway.

Part 11
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