See Prologue for Disclaimer

Part 2

Angel looked nervously at the man in front of him.  He was much older than the teens in the room, but he held their respect.

"Are you certain, Buffy?" the tweed clad man asked.

"Pretty much," Buffy responded.  "I mean, he didn't even know his own name."

"Angel, do you know who I am?" the man asked.  Angel shook his head slowly.  "My name is Giles…Rupert Giles.  R-ring any bells?"

"I-I-I am s-sorry," Angel stuttered.  "I-I am sorry I don't re-remem-member."

"I can't believe you're falling for this shit," Xander swore.  "Remember Angelus likes to play mind games with his victims?"

"Xander," Giles warned.  "It would seem that his amnesia is g-genuine.  We, we can take him to a doctor and find out f-for certain."

"Sounds like a plan," Buffy said.  "Angel?  We're going to take you to the doctor, ok?"

Angel nodded.  "O-ok.  First, th-though, let…let me s-see if I-I-I have all you-your names," he said.  "You a-are Buffy."

Buffy smiled, her face full of love.  "That'd be me."

"And you-you are Giles.  A-and Xander.  And Cor-corde-delia.  A-a-and Oz," he said.  He looked at the red head seated on Oz's lap.

"I'm Willow," she answered shyly.

"Hel-hello, Willow," Angel responded, smiling gently.

"Great.  Now that the introductions are done, can I go?" Cordelia said.  "I think I've had enough stimulation for one day."

"Go ahead, Cordy," Xander told her.  "I'm gonna stick around and keep an eye on Angelus."

Cordelia left and the five others looked at Angel.  "Well, then, shall we?" Buffy asked.


"He does, indeed, have amnesia," the doctor informed the group sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.  "Along with numerous scars and other healing injuries.  How long ago did you say you found him?"

"Just a few hours," Buffy answered.

"And when did you last see him before that?"

"June," Buffy said, her voice breaking slightly.  Willow put her arm around the Slayer's shoulder in comfort.  "Last June."

"It is possible that he had been abducted and physically abused," the doctor said.  "That could be why he doesn't remember."

"Is there anything we can do?" Willow asked.

"Surround him with familiar things and people," the doctor advised.  "He may gain his memory back, but he may not.  I am recommending that he come in for psychological testing as soon as possible, and he'll need to return so we can redress his wounds."

"Thank you, doctor," Giles said.  The doctor nodded and left.

"Now what?" Buffy asked, looking down the hall toward the room Angel was in.

"We w-will have, have to get him a place to-to stay for the day," Giles said.  "A-a-and some blood."

"Do you think he remembers he's a vampire?" Oz asked the Watcher.

"I…I don't know," Giles responded.

Angel walked out of the examining room and down the hall to the waiting group.  "Hi," he said to them.

"Hey, yourself," Buffy answered, standing.  "How are you feeling?"

"Not…not t-to good," Angel answered truthfully.

"Well, let's get you home, then," Buffy said.


"Yeah, home.  It'll be a little dusty, but it should be familiar."  Buffy turned to Giles.  "Giles, why don't you drive us in that thing you try to pass off as a car.  Oz, would you and Willow scrounge up some...uh…nourishment for Angel here?"

"Will do," Oz said, taking Willow's hand.

"Thanks," Buffy said.  "Xander, you can go home."

"Uh-uh," Xander answered.  "No way.  I'm not leaving you alone with fang face for one minute."

"Fine," Buffy sighed.  "But any more rude comments out of your mouth and you'll find yourself on the pointy end of my stake."


Buffy opened the door to Angel's apartment with the key he'd given her long ago.  "Home sweet home," she said as they went inside.

Angel looked around the studio curiously.  He saw a bed in one corner, unmade.  Art and sculptures adorned the room, along with a small kitchen, a silk screen, and a few other furnishings.  Not a thing was familiar.  Another shiver ran through his body as the coldness of the room hit him.

"C-can we…we turn on th-the heat?" Angel asked his companions.  All three gave him a strange look.

"Heat?" Giles asked.  "But it's…your…"

"Sure, Angel," Buffy said, moving to the thermostat.  She remembered the last time she was here and he'd told her he didn't feel the cold as she sat shivering on his bed.

"Th-thanks," Angel said.  His whole body then slumped as the nights activities caught up with him.  "I think I n-need to lie d-d-down."

"Here, let me help you," Buffy said, touching him for the first time.  A jolt of awareness went through her as she led him to the bed.  "Lay down.  As soon as Oz and Willow get here with some…food, we'll be out of your hair."

"I don't m-mind that you are h-h-here," Angel told her softly.

Buffy was saved from answering by her friend's arrival with the blood.  "Good, you guys are here!"

"Liquid diet, at your service," Willow said, holding up the paper bag.

Buffy went over and took it from her.  "Thanks.  I'll see you tomorrow?"

Willow took the hint.  "C'mon, Oz.  You too, Xander.  We'll give you a ride home."

"I'll stay, thank you," Xander said.

"No, Xander.  Go ahead.  I'm gonna do a sweep after I leave," Buffy said.

"Fine," Xander replied.  "But if he hurts you, I'll rip his head off."

The trio went out the door, leaving Giles, Buffy and Angel alone.  "Giles? Why don't you go home, too."

Giles gave her a measured look, then sighed.  "Ok, Buffy.  Be careful."

"I will," she answered, following her Watcher to the door.  "And Giles?  Thanks."  With a nod, Giles left.  Buffy closed her eyes, letting the emotions she'd been holding in check flow over her. Wearily, she turned to see Angel watching her from the bed.  "Are you hungry?" she asked.

"Y-yes," Angel replied.

Buffy nodded and went over to the paper bag.  She took out a container full of pig's blood.  "Here," she handed it to him.

"What is it?"

"Bl…juice," Buffy answered.  "It's good for you."

Angel accepted the container and lifted the lid, sniffing it.  The hunger inside him intensified.  He slowly drank the contents until there was nothing left.  It tasted strange to him, but not bad.  "Thanks," he told Buffy, handing her the empty Styrofoam.

"Do you want me to help you change?" Buffy said as Angel tiredly struggled to remove his shirt.

"Please?" Angel responded as his body fought against him.

Buffy stepped in front of him and removed his boots and socks.  She gasped slightly at the scars on the bottom of his feet.  It looked as though he had been walking on glass.  Slowly, she pulled the v-neck sweater over his head. She was afraid she'd see more damage on his chest, but it was as sculptured and perfect as she remembered.

She unbuttoned his pants, then helped him stand in order to remove them. Nervously, she pulled them down and off, averting her eyes.  Angel sat back on the bed as she took the pants over his feet, letting them join the pile of clothing on the floor.  Buffy then sat down next to him.

That's when she saw his back.

With a muffled cry, she took in the network of scars and still healing injuries.  The tattoo was no longer visible, hidden by puckered white lines that crisscrossed over Angel's back.  One scar stood out in particular.  It was more pronounced than any of the others, and ran from his hairline straight down his spine and under his boxers.

"Oh, Angel," she said, gently touching the scar line.  "I'm so sorry."

"S-sorry?" Angel replied.  "Why?"

Buffy debated whether to tell him or not, but ultimately decided against it.  She didn't want to cause him any more pain than she already had.  "I'm sorry that you got hurt," was what she answered.

Angel nodded and sagged wearily.  "C'mon, let's put you to bed," Buffy said, standing so he could lay down.  She pulled the sheet over him, then brushed her hand over his forehead.  "Sleep."

"Will…will you st-stay?" Angel asked, hope in his voice.  He had found someone who knew him and didn't want to let her go.

Buffy chewed on her bottom lip nervously, looking into his familiar brown eyes.  "Ok.  I'll stay."

Angel smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Part 3
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