
“You love me?” Xander asked Cordelia.

She nodded.  “And you love me.  Make up?” She asked hopefully, he answered her with a kiss.

“How could you?” Buffy asked her mother.

“I’m sorry.” Joyce answered her.  “I know now that you’re old enough to make your own decisions.”

Buffy accepted her mother’s apology silently and turned toward Angel.  “Do you really regret us?” She asked, hurt in her eyes.

“No.” He said softly.  “I want to, but I can’t.”  The tone of his voice changed as he smiled slightly.  “I don’t regret that night either.”

“Thank you.” She said softly, tears in her eyes.

Cordelia approached Willow.  “I forgive you.” She said softly, Willow smiled.  “Thank you.” She said, giving Cordelia a hug.

Oz looked around the room at his friends.  “We learnt the meaning of the assignment.”

They all nodded.

“Yeah, we did.” Buffy agreed, still watching Angel sadly.


The teacher handed back the essays.

Buffy grinned at the big A+ on hers, her first A+!  She read the little comment.  Good work, you poured a lot of emotion into it.  You deserve the A.

Willow smiled at her own A+ and the little great work as usual.

Oz smirked at the “great insight,” comment and was pleased with the A-.

Xander and Cordelia kissed over a pair of matching A’s with praising comments.

Oz was right the assignment had been a good what, it had really affected them in a big way.


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