See Prologue for disclaimer

Part 2

After they arrived at his apartment Giles turned to Taela.  “I’m sorry, tell me about yourself.”

Taela smiled, as much as she didn’t want to she was begging to like her father.  “Well I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I have two sisters, well I guess they're not my sisters, but... Anyway I had two best friends, Michelle and Jen, Jen died recently.  Vampires.  I’m an excellent student and I love to read.  That’s it I guess.”

Giles smiled, liking this girl a lot.  “Would you, um, like to learn more about your birth mother?”

Taela shook her head.  “I can accept you as my father, Mr. Smith and I have never been close, but my mom is the woman who raised me.  One day I’ll want to know about you’re wife, but not yet.”

Giles nodded, and gave his daughter a hesitant hug before retiring to sleep.


“Are you Mr.Giles’ girlfriend?” Michelle asked Jenny as they were sitting in her apartment drinking tea.

“Yes.  The only thing is he never-”

“Told you he had a daughter?” Michelle interupted.

“Bingo.  It was a shock to say the least.  Anyway, you should be going to sleep.  I know you don’t have school but Rupert said something about us going to the library to train.” Jenny said, trying to change the subject a way from Taela, she wasn’t ready to deal with that yet.

Michelle nodded, understanding, and headed upstairs.


Taela tossed and turned she could still see what had happened to Jen as clear as day.

And it was HER fault, the vampires would never have come to Castleton if not to kill her before her destiny was revealed.

She closed her eyes and she relived the night of May 16th 1998.


May 16th 1998

Michelle, Taela, and Jen were at Little Lake Pavilion, a really nice local restaurant, celebrating Michelle’s parents 19th wedding anniversary..

“Explain to me WHY your parents are having a big party NOW instead of waiting one year for their 20th?” Jen asked tucking a strand of white-blond hair behind her ear, Michelle grinned.

“Two reasons.  Number One, my aunts marriages never made it to 19, so Dad decided to throw a party celebrating the fact that he had beaten his sisters.  Number Two, they want to renew their vows for their 20th, so they’ll be having another party then.”

Jen grinned.  “That sounds JUST like your parents.  I’m gonna go for a walk, wanna join me?”

The two girls nodded.

“I love it here, it’s so peaceful.” Michelle said, she spoke to soon.

As they arrived at the docks a bleached blond man popped out from behind a tree and grabbed Jen.  A women with brown hair did the same to Michelle, only Taela was left free.

The man spoke first.  “Are you Taela Smith?” She nodded.  “Good.  Now we’ll let your little friends here free if you come with us, otherwise their toast.”

Taela wanted to agree, but something in her fought against it.  “No.” She said quietly and determinedly.

The woman grinned at her.  “Goody, I’m hungry.”

Taela watched in horror as their faces transformed.  The man bit Jen’s neck, and in seconds he had drained her of all her blood, however Michelle was luckier.

As the man was draining Jen the woman tried to do the same to Michelle, however the woman’s hand had brushed against the cross Michelle always wore, causing her to pull back slightly giving Michelle time to pull away.

She used all her strength and managed to kick the woman hard. She climbed free of her embrace.

Taela and Michelle ran to the restaurant as fast they could, knowing that the creatures wouldn’t follow them inside to the party.  There were to many people.


May 20th 1998

Taela shuddered as she thought back.  If only they hadn’t gone outside Jen probably would’ve been safe.

Their had only been four days left until Taela’s birthday.  Then they would’ve known of Taela’ destiny and would’ve been able to protect themselves.  Jen would've come here with them, which probably would’ve added time on her life.

But it hadn’t happened that way, she was gone, and it was Taela’s fault.  Her father had to be able to help her, she had to kill those creatures who killed Jen.  She had to.

Although she had doubts about Jen being dead, no body was found, but she didn’t want to think about that.

She couldn’t handle it if Jen had been turned into a vampire, having to deal with the fact that it was her fault she was a demon.

But unfortunately it was a strong possibility.

Part 3
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