Part 4

Taela tossed and turned.  Unable to get any real sleep.  Jen was a demon and Michelle was dead.  She got a sad smile, it was so hard to think of her friend being gone.  But she was.

Taela closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.



Taela sat up groggily, wondering who was calling her name.  She stared in shock.  Standing in the light was Michelle.  She seemed to glow.  “Yes?” Taela asked staring at her friend.

Michelle laughed.  “Don’t worry, I’m only a dream.  In your dream you conjured my spirit so I’m here.”


“To tell you to live on, that even though I’m gone and Jen’s a vampire you have to move on.  You have to keep fighting, no matter what surprises are hurled at you next.”

“What about you?”

Michelle smiled sadly and gently.  “I’ll always be with you, your father said I was to help you, and I will.  I was just meant to help you from beyond the grave.”

“Why?  Why was I left alone now of all times?” “

You’re not alone.  You have your father, he’ll help.  And it happened this way to make you stronger, it will I promise.  Goodbye, I’ll be back, sometime.”

Michelle smiled sadly at her friend once more, before disappearing into the light.


Taela sat up, it was only a dream.  But the message was the same, she did have to fight.  She couldn’t give up because Michelle was gone, she had to fight for Michelle.

But she would fight, she couldn’t give up.  Not now.  She’d even kill Jen.  She closed her eyes and lied down again.


Jen paced around, she knew she had acted too soon.  She should have waited, but she had needed to do this to kill off a reminder of her human life.

Soon she’d kill Taela and be done with it.

But Taela would be harder to kill than Michelle.  Michelle had just been a weak little girl, but Taela had real power, and wouldn’t be easily defeated.  However she would die, and Jen would be the one that killed her.

Jen grabbed a glass and threw it at the wall, happily watching the glass shatter into a million pieces.  Just like Taela’s life was at this very moment.


Taela shakily picked up the phone, having delayed this since last night, using the time difference as her excuse.  She dialled Michelle’s number and waited for her mom to answer.


“It’s Taela.  I have to talk to you.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Michelle’s gone.  She was attacked.......mugged and murdered.”  Taela lied, unable to tell the truth.

There was a silence before, she heard the phone drop and some muffled sobbing in the background.  She knew how hard this must be on her, to lose her only child, but she couldn’t relate.

She had just lost her two best friends in less than a week.

After a few minutes Michelle’s dad came on the phone.  “Thanks Taela, it’s better to hear it from you.  Um, we’re not really up to listening right now, could you call back later?” He asked trying to hold back tears, Taela sensed this.


Taela put down the phone and stared at it.  It was over, Michelle was truly gone.  She was all alone in an unfamiliar place, waiting for other best friend to attack her.  What she wouldn’t give for the life she had just a month ago.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she turned and walked back into the main area of the library.

Part 5
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