See Part 1 for Disclaimer

Part 2


I see Buffy, and I turn to go over to her.

Until I see who’s she with, who’s making her face light up.


Just then she turns around and sees me, so does Angel, they both look at me guiltily.  I do what I have to, I go over there.

I take Buffy’s hand in mine.  “Is this what you want?” I ask her painfully, she nods slowly.  “Then I’m glad.” I say, although it’s killing me.

I’ve always known that she still loved Angel, that she still has his ring.  I love her enough to let her go, just like him.

Though, unlike him, I won’t get her back some day.

“I hope you’re happy, I’ll have Willow start the divorce proceedings.”

She looks at me so gratefully, and I know I’m doing the right thing.  Angel’s the one she loves and needs, not me.


I look at Xander guiltily, hating myself for hurting him.  He walks over to us, I can see how much he’s hurting inside.

He takes my hand in his.  “Is this what you want?” He asks pain evident in his voice, I nod slowly.

“Then I’m glad.” He says, trying to smile, he’s not succeeding.

I think he always knew this would happen one day, that I still loved Angel.  Yet he still loved me, and was always there for me.  He loves me enough to let me go, just like Angel did once.  Though this is different, I know that I’ll never go back to Xander, and so does he.

“I hope you’re happy, I’ll have Willow start the divorce proceedings.” he says sadly, I look at him gratefully, and he truly smiles, obviously knowing how grateful to him I am.


I look at Xander guiltily, not feeling to proud of myself.  As much as I love Buffy, she’s his wife.  Not mine.

He walks over to us, I can see how much he’s hurting inside.

He takes Buffy’s hand in his.  “Is this what you want?” He asks pain evident in his voice, she nods slowly, obviously hating how much she’s hurting him.

So do I, and I don’t even like him.

“Then I’m glad.” He says, trying to smile, he’s not succeeding.

I think he always knew this would happen one day, that one day we’d find each other again.  And even though he loves her, he’s prepared to step back to let her be happy.  He loves her enough to let her go, just like I did once, and would do again if I had to.  Though this is different, he knows that she’ll never go back to him, and as much as it hurts him, he’s happy for her.  I respect him for that.

“I hope you’re happy, I’ll have Willow start the divorce proceedings.” He says sadly, she looks at him gratefully, and he truly smiles, obviously knowing how grateful to him she is.

I can tell that’s all he wants, her to be happy, I stick out my hand.


Angel offers me his hand, I take it, all the hatred I used to have for him gone.  He makes Buffy smile, and that’s all that matters.

“Take good care of her.”

He nods slowly, and puts his arm around her.  “I will.”  I smile sadly.

“That’s all I need to know.” I lean down and kiss her cheek.  “Good luck.” I say walking away.

Once I get far enough away, I turn around.  They’re kissing, I feel my heart break, but I know this is what’s best for her, and that’s all that matters.

I watch them for a second, before leaving the mall.  I have someplace to go.

Cordelia’s grave.

My beloved Queen C, the only woman I loved more than Buffy.  I walk out and I never look back.

This is for the best.


I hold my breath for a second when Angel holds out his hand, but Xander shakes it.

No animosity in his face, I realise he’s gotten over his hatred of Angel.

I feel proud at his self sacrifice, Xander Harris is a good man.  I just wish I could have loved him, but I couldn’t.

My heart already belonged to someone else.

“Take good of her.”

He says to Angel, Angel smiles and puts his arm around me.  “I will.”

Xander smiles sadly. “That’s all I need to know.”

He says, leaning down to kiss my cheek.  “Good luck.” He says, before he walks away, I watch him go and then turn to Angel.

“I love you.” I say, joyfully, we finally have the chance for a future.

“I love you.” He says kissing me, again.

I throw my arms around him, and lose my self in the kiss.


Xander takes my hand, and shakes it.

All the hatred he used to feel for me is gone, and I realise that he’s a good man.  I feel sorry for him, he didn’t deserve for this to happen.  “Take good care of her.”

I nod slowly, and put my arm around Buffy. “I will.”

Xander smiles sadly, his heart’s obviously breaking.  Poor guy.  “That’s all I need to know.” He says leaning down to kiss Buffy’s cheek, I don’t begrudge him that.

After all he’s sacrificing what he wants to make her happy, I can let him have a kiss on the cheek.  “Good luck.” He says to her, then he walks away.

We watch him go for a second. Then she turns to me.

“I love you.” She says joyfully.

“I love you.” I say, as I kiss her again.

She throws her arms around my neck, and we lose herself in the kiss, and plans for our future.

After all this time we’re together, forever.


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