Part 1
The bus pulled into the quiant little town of Sunnydale California around 11 o'clock at night. The girl got off and got her bags,then walked around the bus station's vacant parking lot for a sign of the young man.
"That's funny...He got off..." she said quietly. There was no response, besides the distant howling of a dog and police sirens wailing. The girl shrugged, set down her bags and stepped into the near-by snack bar. She quickly reappeared with a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. Bending down to grab her bags,she heard distant scuffling. Strange, since she seemed to be the only one out. The noise subsided and the girl commensed taking her bags. As soon as she stood up again, she knew she could sense something.
"I didn't come here to fight. I'm just looking for someone..." she called behind her. Whirling around, she roundhoused the figure behind her, pulled a piece of wood out of her pocket and got ready to stab the person with it. Instead of what she expected him or her to look like, she found a blonde teenage girl sitting on the ground. The other girl was wearing a long leather coat over a black velvet shirt and jeans. She looked pretty normal.
"I-I'm so sorry." the first girl apologized.
"It's okay." the other quickly stood up and held out her hand. "I'm Buffy. You new here?"
"Uh...yeah. I just got in a few minutes ago. My name's Jessie."
"Cool. Listen, I've gotta go. Do you know where you're going?"
"Yeah. I have to make a phone call. I'll see you around?"
"Sure. Bye!" then the two girls departed for different destinations. Though, unbeknowest to either,the bushes by the station concealed an unknown eavsedropper...
The next day, Buffy was in the library of Sunnydale High School, telling of her adventures the night before to the other occupants.
"-So I finish staking this one other vamp and I start to head home, but out by the bus station, I see a couple little...bumps. So I head over, and I'm attacked by this one person who turns out to be a girl. We talk, and then we leave."
"A...girl you say? Did you get a look at her?" the librarian asked in his defined english accent, looking up from one of his books.
"I don't know...about 5' feet, medium weight, blonde hair, around 13-14-" "We could be talking 130-140. Did you get a look at her face? Was she pale and seem to be hiding something?" interuppted a boy beside Buffy.
"Xander. Not everyone whose pale is a vampire. Look at Angel, he wasn't very pale and-" the girl at the head of the table, behing a lap-top,stopped herself after seeing the saddened look on her friend's face. "I'm sorry Buffy. I didn't mean to bring him up."
"It's alright Will."
"Buffy...Did you catch the girl's name by any chance?" the librarian inquired
"Uh, yeah... Was it Jenna? Jenny? Jess-It was Jessie." the blonde stammered, thinking of her aquantince's name. "Why do you want to find out her name, Giles?"
"I was...curious. The Codex says of new help arriving soon. She maybe it."
"Cool. Guys, I gotta book. I need to get home, Mom still has me on a curfew of 5 o'clock."
"Buffy, it's 6:15." Giles informed her.
"Oh great! Bye!!!" With that, the Slayer grabbed her book bags and sped off out the door.