See Part 1 for Disclaimer.

Part 3

"I never knew college basketball could be so much fun," Angel said sarcastically, glancing down at Buffy.  She sat on the hard bleachers in between Angel's thighs, her arms draped casually over each one.  She craned her neck to look at him and grinned innocently.

Anya spoke up before Buffy had a chance to.  "Tall, muscular men full of testosterone chasing after each other in revealing shorts throwing a big ball into a small hoop...all sweaty and glistening...what's not to like?" she demanded, staring at Angel as if he was crazy.  Xander gaped at his girlfriend.

"You think they're hot?!" he cried, causing several people to look over at the group.

"They''re nice to look at, and several appear to have very large peni-"  Xander clapped a hand over his girlfriend's mouth.  She rewarded him by biting down on his palm, and he pulled it away with a yelp.  "Don't worry, Xander, I'll still fornicate with only you," she assured him with a smile.

Buffy shook her head.  "And you guys say Angel and I are gross," she groaned, her hand idly playing with the cuff of her lover's jeans.  Angel leaned down and playfully nipped her neck in response.

"You are," they chorused.  Angel chuckled and darted his tongue out to caress the sensitive spot behind her ear, causing Buffy to shiver.  She pushed him away with a laugh.

"Okay, okay, so we are.  At least we don't talk about sex in public," she countered, brushing a lock of golden hair out of her eyes.

"No, you two prefer the PDA approach to it," Willow said with a grin.

"Yeah, could you lay off of that for a while?  You're making me nauseous," Spike grumbled from his spot at the edge of the group.

"Now you know what it was like when you and Buffy were engaged," Xander told him.  "Could you two have *gotten* more touchy-feely?!"

Angel looked down at Buffy sharply.  "You were engaged to Spike?!"

"For like three hours," she said with a grimace.  Buffy half-turned so she was looking right up at Angel.  "Our resident Wicca decided to cast a little spell and it kind of backfired."  Angel's mouth fell open in shock and he looked at Willow.

"You made my girlfriend be engaged to *Spike*?!" he exclaimed.  Willow winced at his tone and nodded.

"They were actually kinda cute..." Anya said.  "Did you two have intercourse?"

"No!  Are you kidding me?!  Me, have sex with Spike?  Oh God no..." Buffy cried at the exact moment Spike said, "Nah, Blondie over there doesn't open her legs for just anyone.  Angel and that wanker Parker are lucky bastards, they--"  Angel cleared his throat.  Loudly.  Spike blinked and looked at his sire.  "Yes, Peaches?"

"Would you all hate me again if I staked him?" Angel asked, rubbing a hand over his eyes.  Buffy giggled.

"I could never hate you," she said, pulling his face down to hers.  "I love you."

"I love you, too, baby," he said with a half-smile, kissing her softly.  He pulled away suddenly and looked at her.  "Did you kiss him?"

Buffy laughed.  "Geez, paranoid much?  It was a *spell*, Angel.  That's all.  Gave me nightmares for weeks," she said reassuringly, lacing her fingers in his.

"Oh, like it was all sunshine and roses for me, pet," Spike said, cocking his head to the side.  "Well, it wasn't, 'cause sunshine kills me and roses make me sneeze...wait.  That was a bloody perfect analogy." His face split into a huge grin and Buffy jerked her head in his direction while staring at Xander, who nodded and smacked Spike on the arm.

"That was from Buffy," he said smugly.  Spike growled and raised a fist.

"Uh uh, Peroxide Boy," Angel said with a grin.  "I believe I heard that you can't hit anyone."

"Shut up, Peaches," Spike said.  "It's not like I got my bloody soul back, I'm as evil as I was before."  He leaned over and tapped some brunette on her shoulder.  "I look evil, right?"

She raised an eyebrow.  "Oh yeah, the Billy Idol look is just terrifying," she snickered.  Spike narrowed his eyes as the others laughed.  Anya reached over and patted Spike's leg.

"Don't worry, you still look very ****able," she said solemnly.  Xander sighed.

"Anya, you think the mailman is ****able."

"He is!  Carrying all that mail everyday, with that little hat..." the ex-demon trailed off.

"You scare me," Willow said with a shake of her head.

"So, what're you guys doing for Valentine's Day?" Buffy asked after a few minutes of watching the game.  UC Sunnydale was losing by ten.

"Xander is taking me out for dinner and he bought me nice things and then we'll go back to his place and copulate many times," Anya informed them. Xander coughed.

"At least someone's getting some," Spike grumbled.  He had curled himself up on the bleacher, his hands shoved deep in his duster pockets.

"Aww, is wittle Spike not getting any?" Buffy asked with a pretend pout.  Angel tried to contain his laughter, along with everyone else, but they couldn't help it.

"Shut up, Slayer," Spike said, stamping his foot and slumping over more.  "I thought women found the whole vampire thing sexy!"

"They do," Angel assured him.  "But they usually go for vampires that can *bite* people."

"Can I go now?" Spike whined.  "You've had your fun deflating my fragile ego, let me mope in peace."

Buffy laughed and shook her head.  "I told Giles I'd keep an eye on you," she told him.

"I don't need a bloody babysitter, I'm one hundred and twenty six years old!" he shouted, drawing attention to himself.  He leered at the college students who had turned to look at him.  "That's right, I'm a big bad vampire!  I've got fangs and I bite and I suck blood!  Once I get this bloody implant out of my head, I'll eat you all!"

Buffy was doubled over in laughter, as were the rest of the Scoobies.  Spike stared at them with a hurt expression on his face.  Buffy wiped a tear off her cheek.  "I don't think Spike likes being neutured," she said with a giggle.

"I think we're hurting Spike's feelings," Willow said in between laughing.  Spike pouted as the others turned back to the game.

"And we all care because...?" Xander sneered, receiving a deadly look from the vampire.

"So, Angel, what are you doing for Buffy on Monday?" Willow asked.

"Dinner at L'Angelique," he said, somehow managing to wrap his arms around her body and pull her to him.  Willow squealed happily.

"Wow, that's like *the* most expensive place in Sunnydale.  Cordelia would be proud," she said.  Angel nodded and smiled.

"What are you gonna do, Willow?" Buffy asked, suddenly horrified at the thought of her best friend spending the holiday all by herself.  Willow managed a smile.

"Some of my Wicca friends are coming over and we're gonna do spells and stuff," she said.

"Oh, okay.  Just make sure you don't cast anything on me, I don't need to start going after Giles or anything."  A hush fell over the group at the thought.

"That's just...beyond disgusting," Xander said with a grimace.  Anya nodded, then perked up as she spotted a gorgeous junior on the court.

"Is it wrong for me to ask for a phone number?"


Buffy moaned with delight as Angel plunged his tongue into her mouth, nibbling at her lower lip in the process.  She rubbed up against him provocatively and he groaned in response.  Angel wrapped his arms around her waist tighter in response and pressed her firmly against the brick wall.  They had managed to escape during half-time and had retreated outside for their own little interlude.  It was a lot better than watching basketball...

They were interrupted by Angel's stomach growling.  Angel ignored it, but Buffy pulled back and looked him in the eye.  "Hungry?"  He shook his head and resumed kissing her.

Another rumble caused Buffy to start laughing.  "I'm fine," he insisted.

She shot him a look.  "Angel..." she said warningly.

"Well, now that you mention it...I am a little hungry," he said, a slow smile spreading over his face.  Buffy mistook his smile and tugged at his hand.

"Okay, so we'll go inside and--"

"And I know exactly what I want," he continued, his nimble fingers suddenly on the button of her jeans.  Buffy's eyes bulged when she realize what he was implying, and it took some effort on her part to push his questing hands away.

"Later, lover," she said with a wicked grin, kissing him passionately.  He whined into her mouth and she threaded her fingers through his silky hair, silencing him.  "Shh, when we get home you can do whatever you want with me.  You know how loud I can be..." she said with a sly smile, running her finger over his chest lightly.

"You're making me go back in there, aren't you," he moaned, pressing his forehead to hers.  She nodded happily and smiled.  Grabbing his hand, she pulled him out onto the sidewalk and headed for the doors.

"We'll leave after the third quarter," she promised, giving him a peck on his cheek.  They headed for the concession stand when Buffy suddenly veered off in the direction of the ladies' room.  "Meet you in the gym in five minutes," she said.  Angel brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"I miss you already," he said, letting her go reluctantly.

Buffy pushed her way through the throng of girls to get to a mirror.  She quickly fixed her mussed hair and reapplied the lipstick that had been smeared by Angel.  Making sure her tank top was properly in place, she nodded in satisfaction and began the task of maneuvering out of the bathroom.

She wandered towards the gym, not paying attention to where she was going.  Buffy didn't see the dark-haired man in front of her until she bumped into him, stumbling slightly.  He turned around in surprise and Buffy sucked in a breath when she looked up and saw who he was.


"S-sorry," she stammered, nervously brushing a lock of blond hair out of her eyes.  To her surprise, Parker smiled brightly at her.

"Buffy, wow, long time, no see," he replied.  Buffy somehow managed a smile as guilt flooded her heart.

"Yeah," she agreed awkwardly, twisting her hands at her sides.  Parker let his gaze roam over her curvy body appreciatively, his lips curling in a smile at her tank top.

"You look...good," he said, licking his lips.  Buffy rolled her eyes.

"You don't," she replied, smiling sweetly.  "God, when was the last time you got a haircut, Parker?"

He ignored her snide remark, his gaze focusing on her tank top.  She wished she had listened to Angel when he had told her to put on a different one before leaving...  Buffy shrugged, trying to move her tank to make sure she was covered completely.  "Sex kitten, huh?"  He chuckled, running a hand along her collarbone.  "Wanna prove it to me again?"

Buffy looked up with him at disgust, knocking his hand off her skin and shuddering from his touch.  "Eat me, Parker," she snapped.  Before he could reply, she continued, holding up a finger to silence him and cocking her head to the side.  "No, wait, on second thought...don't even think of it.  You weren't that good the first time..."

She delighted in seeing his eyes narrow and his mouth tighten.  Realizing that they had drawn a considerable crowd, she continued.  "A tip?  That thing you call a tongue?  Use it."

"That's not what you said when it happened," he said, a tremor in his voice betraying his cool exterior.  Buffy shocked him by laughing in his face.

"Silly little--and I do mean *little*--boy, you're so fragile," she said harshly, her finger tracing down his cheek.  "I didn't feel it was my job right then to inform the legendary Parker Abrams of his less-than-adequate performance in bed, but I think now's a good time."

"If I'm so bad, why did you come crawling back?" he countered, his eyes darting around nervously at the snickers in the crowd.

"Because I was hurt and confused and didn't know how someone could use a person and then just say it didn't matter," she said bitterly.  "Ask all the other girls you've gotten into your bed, they'll back me up."

Murmurs of agreement went through the crowd, causing Parker to widen his eyes in shock.  He looked back at Buffy with anger in his eyes.  "You weren't exactly something to write home about, either," he sneered.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Angel said as he walked up and put a protective arm around Buffy's shoulder.  He had been watching the whole thing from the edge of the crowd and was getting furious at the way this asshole was treating his girlfriend.  Parker eyed the handsome man with apprehension.

"Who's this?"

"The angry puppy," she replied, a gleam in her eyes.  Parker's brow etched in confusion before his eyes grew wide and then confused again.

"He's the one who gave you the scar?  What'd he do, bite you?" Parker asked.

"Actually, I did," Angel said, his eyes dark with quiet rage.

"He's an animal," Buffy giggled, looking up at her lover and growling playfully.

"Your nose does the cutest thing when you do that," Angel told her, leaning down to kiss her hard.

"A tip?" Parker offered, causing the two to break away and look at him.  "Man, she's easy and has amazing stamina.  Kinda whiny, though..."

Angel would have killed for his game face at the moment.  Just to flash it and scare the living daylights out of this asshole...  He opted to step up to him, and since he had a good four inches on the college student, he glowered down at him.

"You will *never* talk about my girlfriend like that again," Angel growled.  Buffy was smiling proudly at the scene before her.

"Oh yeah?" Parker challenged.  "What are you gonna do about it?"

"How does ripping out your tongue sound?" Angel asked quietly, loud enough for only Parker to hear.  The boy turned pale.  "I think I'll just settle for this."

Angel's fist shot out and, before Parker could blink, his nose was broken.  He yelped at the sharp pain and held his tender flesh, blood running down his shirt.  "That was for kissing her."  He lashed out, this time catching him in a sharp right hook.  "That was for getting her into your bed."  He didn't let Parker recover, punching him again.  "That was for having sex with her."  Angel punched him a third time, a solid crunch his reward.  "That was for being an asshole."  Angel delivered the final blow, his boot connecting with Parker's groin.  He doubled over in pain, his hands clutching his crotch as he bent over.

"And that was for hurting her," Angel finished, wiping his hand on his jeans with a look of disgust on his face.  "Buffy?" he called, holding his hand out for her.  His beloved eagerly stepped up to join him and together they stared down at the shaking college student.

"Aww, is Parker's manhood all bruised and aching?  Why don't you go find some girl to kiss it all better?  Oh, that's right," Buffy said, snapping her fingers, "no one will want to touch you after this story gets out."

"Stupid bitch," he grumbled, blood trickling out of his mouth.  Buffy looked over at Angel and sighed.

"I usually hate to kick them while they're down, it's so unprofessional, but for him..." Buffy looked back at Parker, who was moaning at her feet.  With grace, she kicked him in the stomach, delighting in his grunt of pain.  "I'll make an exception.  Shall we?" she asked, holding her hand out to Angel.  He took it eagerly and the two of them left the scene, amid the laughter of the crowd.

"Was it just me or does he need to desperately be introduced to a hairdresser?" Angel asked as they left, heading for his car.  Buffy glanced sideways at him and giggled.

"Thanks for that," she said, her voice sweet and sincere.

"No one treats you like that," Angel told her firmly, gazing deeply into her eyes.  They reached his car, and she quickly pulled him into the backseat before he knew what was happening.  "Buffy, what--"

"I need to get rid of all the memories that just surfaced," she said breathlessly, her hands working to get his belt undone.  She kissed him and continued to work at getting it off, finally giving up and sighing in frustration.  "Dammit, Angel, you can't just get tighter jeans?  You know how time-consuming belts are to get off!"

Angel laughed at her anxiety and pushed her hands away, leaning up to kiss her hard.

"And you wanted me to wear the leather pants, too," he said with a grin.  She hit him lightly and then attacked his mouth again, making him forget about everything else but her.

Part 4
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