Part 3

Giles was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital with Chloe and Cameron.  Buffy and Xander came rushing down the halls.

"What's up?" Xander asked as soon as they met Giles.

"We don't know yet." He replied.

"Well, what happened." Buffy directed that at Chloe.

"I don't know.  We were walking home and were attacked.  It was weird though... he knew Breena.  He gave me a letter to give to her."

"Did you stake him?" Buffy asked.

"No, he got away." Chloe looked disappointed with herself.  "He was strong... Extremely strong."  They were all interrupted by Breena walking out of a hospital room.  Her arm was in a cast and sling.

Willow, Riley, Tara and Anya were waiting at Giles' place.

"I wonder what's taking so long..." Tara said trying to start a conversation.  The whole group jumped at the sound of the door opening.  Spike walked in and stopped in his tracks when he saw everyone staring at him.


"Well, you're not Giles for one thing..." Anya said.

"Where's he?" Spike asked.  Just as Spike finished talking Breena and the rest of the gang that were at the hospital walked in.  They all scattered around the apartment.

"It was him..." Breena broke the silence.

"Who?" Giles asked.

"Jackson." Breena looked down at her feet.  "I met him at a club in Vancouver.  He seemed normal.  But then he just started... to follow me.  It was nothing at first. But then one night I was walking home with Lucy and..." She stopped to swallow.  "He killed her.  Right in front of me.  He did the same thing to two other of my friends... But he never killed me, he never even tried.  When he killed Auntie Gwenyth, I ran as far as I could.  I never thought he'd find me here."  Giles wrapped his arms around Breena trying to comfort her as tears streamed down her face.

Chloe shut the door to Breena's room.  She walked out to the table where everyone were coming up with some sort of plan.

"How is she?" Giles asked as Chloe sat down.

"The pain killers kicked in, so she'll probably sleep." Chloe said.  "So, what's the plan?"

"I think there should be a slayer with her at all times." Giles said.

"Round the clock slayer surveillance.  Isn't that going a little overboard?" Riley asked.

"I'm not taking any risks." Giles replied a little too seriously.

"Well, I've got her covered for school and she can stick with me during my training." Chloe put in.

"I can be back here by 4..." Buffy said.

"And if there's a problem I can be there." Riley offered.

"That only leaves one little problem" Spike said. <>"What's that?" Giles said annoyed.

"Well, I am technically living here not, so a vampire can come in at anytime."

"Living here?  Since when?" Giles was outraged.

"Well, I eat, sleep and spend most of the daylight here." Spike said.

"I think that does qualify as living here." Xander said.

"Don't worry.  Tara and I can find a spell for that." Willow promised.

The next morning Breena and Spike were eating cereal well watching TV.  Giles came out of the kitchen with a cup of tea.  He walked behind the couch.

"What time are you leaving for school?" Giles pried.

"I'm waiting for Chloe and Cam.  They should be here any..." Breena was cut off by a knock at the door.  "And I'll be leaving now." Breena got up and Giles helped her put her backpack on.  While they were doing this, Spike got up and opened the door.

"Ready?" Cam asked as he entered the door.  Breena nodded and the three of them left for school.

"Are you ok?  You look tired." Chloe asked.

"I just did sleep too well last night.  I'm fine though..." Breena drifted off.  As the day drifted on, so did Breena.  The bell rang signifying the end of second period and she and Cam got up to leave class.  Breena went to grab her books and dropped them.

"Here, let me get those." Cam said when he saw the look of annoyance on her face.  Breena said thanks as they walked out of the classroom.  "We're meeting Chloe and Margo in the library."

"Margo..." Breena sounded disturbed by that one.

"Oh, yah... Well, we can go to the student lounge if you want." Cam offered.

"No... I have to face this sometimes."  The entered the doors of the library.  Cam put their stuff on the table.

"Hello... Breena, what happened to your arm?"  Margo asked when she say Breena.

"Nothing." Breena walked up the stairs and into the stacks.  She sat down in the back of the mythology section.  Cameron walked down the row of books to the back where Breena was sitting.

"You handled that well." He said to her.

"Yes, I thought I'd go the five year old route."

"Great choice!" Cam laughed and Breena smiled.  "Hey, we got a smile!"

Breena up and walked back out into the main area of the library.  She saw Chloe doing a sequence of flips, kicks and punched around the room.

"It might be a little easier if you shift your weight to your left foot." Breena said to Chloe.  Margo came up behind her.

"Breena... I think we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you... I have nothing to say and if I did you wouldn't want to hear it." Breena did even turn around to look at her.

Giles hung up the telephone and looked over at Xander.

"What'd Angel say?" Xander asked him.

"Nothing that wasn't already in the Watcher's diaries." Giles replied.

"Hey, didn't you have a girlfriend who went crazy from being stalked by a vampire?" Anya asked Spike.

"Hey, yah, you did!" Xander said pointing at him.

"Well yah, but I met her after Angel turned her crazy... All I know is that he ripped the throats out of every one of her family members... Oh how I miss that!" Spike reminisced.  The slamming of the front door interrupted his thoughts.  Breena walked in with Chloe.

"How was school today?" Giles asked.

"Well if you want to know if we were attacked by any vampires, the answer is no.  Oh, and Xander, I checked for you.  Mr. Ballard doesn't work at the school anymore."

"Man!  Remember the great hangman competitions we would have in his class." Xander said to Anya.

"What about the speed Tic-Tac-Toe games..." Anya replied.  "I hope he wasn't blown up."

"Anyway..." Breena walked into the kitchen and pour two drinks.  "Dad, has my stuff from Vancouver come yet?" She carried both cups out in one hand and handed one to Chloe.

"No, probably tomorrow though."

"K." The girls walked into Breena's room.  "I have to show you some of my stuff from BC."

That night Breena was sitting on the couch watching TV.  Riley was sitting in a chair near her.  It was a tense situation.

"So, who are you again?" Breena asked.  "Well, I know that you're Buffy's boyfriend, but how come you qualify to be a bodyguard when the slayers were assigned to me?"

"See, it's complicated.  I was part of this military assignment that were to fight demons." Riley continued to tell his story.  About twenty minutes later he was just finishing up the story.  "And then they burnt the Initiative and filled it in with cement."

"Wow." Breena said.  "You weren't kidding when you said it was complicated." She glanced at her watch.  "Must be getting a great patrol in tonight."

"Yah..." Riley said looking around the room.

"I'm just going to head to bed now." Breena got up and walked into her room.  When she finished getting changed, she headed into the bathroom.  Breena was leaning over brushing her teeth.  She stood up and looked in the mirror. In her reflection, she saw Jackson standing behind her.

Buffy, Giles and Willow walked in the door and Giles put down a bag of weaponry.  Buffy walked over and sat with Riley.

"Hey.  How goes it?" She asked.

"I'm boring." Riley complained.

"No you're not.  You're..." Buffy was interrupted Breena screaming.  Everyone jumped up and ran towards the bathroom.  Buffy tried to open the door and found it locked.

"Breena, open the door!" Giles ordered.

"Stay away from me!" The heard from inside the bathroom, followed by the shattering of glass.

"Breena, listen... It's Buffy.  Who's in there?" Buffy turned around to face everyone.  "We have to get in there."

"I'm on it." Riley said and with one swift motion he raised his leg and kicked open to door.  Breena was curled up in the corner of the bathroom.

"He was here.  I swear, he was here!" She said between sobs.

An hour later Breena was sitting on the couch with Cameron.  She was still crying.  The rest of the gang was sitting around the table.

"He's getting to her.  He turning her crazy already..." Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Well, we don't know that.  He could've been there." Willow came to Breena's defence.

"He couldn't have been there.  She said she saw him in the mirror." Buffy said quietly.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Xander asked.

"We'll find this guy.  Now." Buffy said.

"Ok, I'll do a sweep tonight heading home... and tomorrow I'll do a background check of this vamp." Chloe said.

"Yah, ok, and I'll come with you on the patrol tonight.  Won't hurt to have double slayers." Buffy offered.  "Giles, we're going to get this guy."

"Willow, will help me check about those murdered on the computer?" Giles asked.

"Sure, let me just set up." Willow got off to work on setting up her laptop.

Buffy got up and sat on the coffee table in front of Breena. "Breena, I know this is hard.  I just need to know the names of the people Jackson killed."

Breena sat up and took a deep breath.  "Lucy Wright, Wilson Stevenson, Casey Cartwright, Cynthia Johnson and Gwenyth Giles."

Buffy stood up and put on her coat.  "Ok, you guys get on that." She looked at Chloe.  "Coming?"

"I'm on it." Chloe put on her coat and picked up a bag full of weapons.  Buffy picked up the bag her and Giles had earlier.  The two girls left.  Breena got up.

"Where are you going?" Giles asked her.

"Into my room.&nsbp; Actually could I get some help?" Breena asked around the room.

"Yah, I'll come." Willow said.  The two girls went into Breena's room.  Breena sat on the bed.

"Could you grab that book from the top shelf for me?" She asked Willow.  Willow reached up and gave the book to Breena.

"What is this?"

"Well, like any good little watcher I log my experiences.  I figure I'm going to end up being a watcher anyway.  My dad is, my mom is..." Breena said.

"You mean was... In both cases." Willow put in.

"Yah... Anyway, there are about seven pages on Jackson in there.  Could you give that to my father?" She asked.

"Yah, sure." Willow said as Breena stood up.

"Thanks a lot.  I really appreciate all that..." Breena's face went all white as she stared out the window.

"What is it?" Willow turned around to find the face of Jackson looking in.  She ran out into the living room.  "He's here.  Outside the window..."

Riley, Giles and Xander ran out of the apartment.  Breena walked out of her room.  "Where'd everyone go?"

"Outside to get Jackson." Cam said.

"Wanna bet he'll be gone by now?" Breena said.  "I'm surprised he let anyone see him.  It seems like anything he wants to do is make me look crazy." As she spoke she filled up the kettle and put it on the stove.  Everyone came back inside.

"He was gone." Giles said.

"What'd I tell you?" Breena said.  Breena poured the tea into a cup.  "Anybody else." Nobody answered.  She went down and sat down next to Cam on the couch.

"We should get going.  We'll be back in the morning though." Xander said.  "Anya you coming." Anya agreed and the two of them left.

"We should get going to.  Early classes." Willow and Tara got up to leave.

"I'll come with you guys." Riley left with them.

Cam got up and grabbed his backpack.  "I'll see you in the morning." Cam left as well leaving Giles, Spike and Breena alone in the apartment

"I'm going to bed now." Breena went off.  Giles just went upstairs to his own room.

Part 4
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