See the Foreword for Disclaimer.

Part 3

One night I was out on patrol in the city's park.  I decided to take a break after an hour of finding nothing.  I sat down on a bench facing the street.  Down the way I could see a group of people walking towards me and as they got closer I could see they were a part of our high school’s football team.

"Oh, yeah." I was just getting up from the bench when I heard my name being called and saw Cam running towards me.  The rest of the team turned the corner and went out of site as he approached me.

"What are you doing here?"

"You wouldn’t believe me if I told you."  I was very flat with him.

"God, Chloe, that’s all I’ve been getting from you lately.  You hardly talk to me and when you do I don’t get anything from you.  What’s going on?  Did I do something wrong?"

"No, god, never.  I just… It’s too complicated… You wouldn’t understand."

"What, what wouldn’t I understand?" I could tell he was mad.  As I opened my mouth to tell him, there was a growling sound from behind him.  All of the sudden it was visible that there was a full-fledged vampire standing behind him.  Without thinking, I pushed Cameron to the side and flung the vampire around.  As the vampire advanced on me, I flipped him over onto his back.  I reached into my pocket, pulled out a pointy stake and plunged it right through the vampire’s chest.  Almost immediately he turned to dust.

"What the hell was that?" Cameron looked confused and frightened all at the same time.

"That’s what I couldn’t explain.  Come on…" I grabbed him by the hand and lead him away.

"Where we going?"

"To someone who can explain this for you."

After walking a short distance we reached the front of the school.  I think Cameron was still in shock, because he didn’t say a word well we walked.  I lead him through the front doors and down the hallways towards the library.  I stopped outside the doors.

"Could you just wait right here for two seconds?  Thanks!"  I went into the library and towards the main desk.  "Margo!"  Out walked Margo (Ms. Wilson) with a pile of books in her hands.

"What is it?  Did something happen on patrol tonight?"

"Oh yeah!  You know that friend of mine that I was telling you about?"

"You mean the one that you always tell moronic stories about good times at the Bronze with?  Vaguely."

"Well, I was on patrol tonight and he saw me and to make a long story really short he saw me stake a vampire.  I was sort of hoping you could explain it to him, ‘cause he’ll never believe me."

"First of all, was it an accident or did you want him to find out?"

"Totally an accident.  As much as I wish I did, I don’t control when vampires attack humans.  I’ll go get him so you can tell him, k!" I started walking towards where I had left Cameron.

"Wait a minute, why should I tell him?"

"Because you’re the watcher and unless it involved beating and stabbing evil things, I think it’s your job!"  I walked out before she could protest again and came back in with Cam.  I sat him down in one of the chairs around the table and sat in another one.

"Cameron, it is. Well, where do I start off?  Sunnydale is a town like no other…"

"Like that isn’t obvious to… everyone!"  I mocked Margo as she told Cam something that would probably traumatise him for the rest of his natural life.

"Yes, well… There are things in Sunnydale, all over the world.  Creatures the normal world only knows about through myth and film.  You see, as long as the world had been around there have been creatures of pure evil.  A breed unlike any other.  They are half human and half demon…"

"Would you just spit it out already.  Vampires are real, and what you saw in the park was one!  Sorry about that, but at the rate you were going we’d be here all night."  I got up out of my chair and walked into Margo’s office.  I picked up a stake off of her desk and started to sharpen it.  Cameron walked in behind me.

"Wow, that’s some news.  Explains a lot about Sunnydale, but it’s still shocking!"

"I am so sorry I didn’t tell you!  I would have, but there was…"

"No, no, I totally understand… It’s sort of cool through.  Secret identity and stuff."

"I know.  Cam, you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone.  I mean, Margo’s not very lenient on the subject."  I put the stake down and walked out of the office.  I walked over to the chair where I had left my things.  "Margo, we’re out of here.  See you tomorrow, k." I grabbed my coat and walked towards the doors.  Cameron followed behind me.  When we were walking down the street towards our houses, we finally spoke with each other.

"So, how long has this slaying this been going on?"

"Just a couple months.  I’m not very good at it, but when you have to compete with Buffy…"


"You know… Blonde, graduated last year."

"She’s a slayer too…" He was talking slowly so that all of this news could sink in.

"Yah… I’ve never met her, but I heard she does really good work.  She’s like a legend."  I stopped myself as I realised I was sounding geeky.  "And am I the biggest loser in the world?"

"No, not at all.  You’re really into this slayer thing."

"Well, I figure I don’t really have a choice, so I might as well like it…"  I stopped in front of my house.  "Anyway, I should go in now.  I’ll see you tomorrow at school, right?"

"Yeah. Bye." I walked up the path and into the house.  "I can tell this is going to be the best year of my life."

Part 4
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