Part 4

The next day I was standing on the lunch line trying to purchase something quickly, I was already late and Margo was going to kill me.  Cam came up to join me.

"Hey… Eating with us today?"

"Nope, just grabbing something before heading to the library."

"Cool… Can I come?" I paused before I answered.  What would Margo say about this one?  Well, what could she say?  I am fifteen and I do need a normal life!

"Sure." We both walked into the library with our lunch trays and set them down on the table.  There were books all over the place and Margo had her head planted in about three of them.

"How do you make sure that no one walks in when you’re training?"  I thought for a moment after Cameron asked me that.

"You know, that has never really been a problem… Hey Margo, what’s up?"

"What?  Uh, well… Move to your right a little bit and that’s the exact opening of hell."

"Cool… It won’t open on us, will it?" I laughed at Cameron’s response.

"Well, I should hope not."

"Good… Anyway, Margo, there’s a little something I sort of wanted to ask you.  Is it really necessary for me to patrol tonight?"  I prayed to God she would say it wasn’t.

"No, not if you want innocent people to die."

"Oh, come on… No, no, you’re not going to guilt me out of this one.  I’m putting my foot down.  I need to be a normal teen too, dammit!  For one night I am going to have crazy teen fun and that’s that!"

"Fine, whatever.  Like I don’t know anything, I’m just a watcher!"

"Oh, come on!  Can’t she have just one night of fun?  The girl does work hard."

"But…" I could see Margo was starting to cave in, so Cameron and I teamed up and gave her a very pathetic looking face.  "Fine.  I guess you’re right."

"Oh, thank you so much!  I will come back a refreshed slayer!  Besides, we all know all work and no play make jack a dull boy!  I’ll have my pager on, k.  Bye!"   Cam and I rushed out of the library without another word.

"But… We haven’t even done any training today."  The little bit of that that I heard, I ignored.  I was bored of slaying and for one night I just wanted to be the normal Chloe I had been three months ago, hanging out with my friends at the bronze, cheering at football games and watching Spanish soap operas with Cameron on our days off.  You know, stuff regular teens do.  Now I spend all my spare time reading up on demons and vampires.  A year ago I though finding out about vampires had flipped my world upside down, but that was just the beginning of it.

I was sitting in the stands of the Sunnydale High football field watching the football game.  I wasn’t really paying attention to anything on the field, rather than looking around at all the people I had been secluded from for what seemed like a decade, but actually only had been something like two months.  The students at Sunnydale High had seemed to change completely since I had last been to a social gathering with them.  I was sitting next to who I later found out was Brendan’s (Cam’s best male friend) new love interest.  There was something weird about here; I just couldn’t put my finger on it.  I decided to strike up a conversation with her.

"So… You don’t go to Sunnydale, do you?"

"Uh, no."  She seemed a little rude, but I decided to ignore it and think she was just shy.

"Where do you go?"

"St. Mary’s" Another flat response from her.

"Oh, the all girls school.  Must be fun."  I decided to drop the conversation at that, seeing as how she really didn’t want to talk.  Before I knew it, the game was over.  Of course, Sunnydale lost, but we still went on.  After the game a bunch of people went to the Bronze, the local club which is really the only thing to do in town.  When we got there I saw there was a live band that night.  They were ok, but nothing can compare to a local band that used to play here, Dingoes Ate My Baby.

"Hey, you want anything?" I was disturbed from my thoughts by the realisation that Cameron was speaking to me.

"No, I’m just peachy.  What’s up with Brendan’s flavour of the month?  Does she seem a little weird to you?"

"Totally.  We met her after a football game one time.  She’s always there now.  I don’t think I’ve seen her anywhere else, though."  I looked at the girl knowing there was something off about her, just not being able to put my finger on it.  The rest of the night I sat around and danced a little, but surprisingly had the best time I had had in a long time.  I was just enjoying myself when I noticed Brendan and his new girlfriend (whose name I didn’t even know) walking out the back door.  Then it dawned on me who she was.  I excused myself from the table I was at and followed them.

As I got out the back door I heard some banging around the corner of the large factory building the Bronze was made up of.  I rushed around the corner to find what I had expected to.  A vampire trying to suck the neck of Brendan.  I quickly threw her away from him and told him to run.  Brendan did exactly as I said.  I threw the vamp against a wall and reached for something to stake her with.  As I did she threw me down and was leaning over me.  All of the sudden I heard a sharp puncture sound and the vampire turned to dust.  I saw a blonde girl leaning over me.  As I got up, I realised who it was.

"Oh my god, you’re Buffy."

"That’s right.  Do I know you?"

"Well, no, not really.  But I know you and totally look up to you.  I’ve heard so many stories about you from my watcher…"

"You’re a slayer… Aren’t you a little young?"

"Actually, I think you were a year younger than me when you found out your destiny.  I’m sorry if I seem like a really big lose, I’ve just read some of what you have done… You’re awesome."  I tried to stop myself from sounding like a complete geek, but words just seemed to shoot out of my mouth.

"Thanks."  A guy with dark hair, around the same age as Buffy, walked up behind us.

"Buffy, you done here? We were planning to be leaving soon."  He looked at me.  "Hi… Whose you’re friend?"

"Xander, this is… Uh, well, I really didn’t catch her name, but I do know she’s a slayer."

"Ok, what’s up with this.  Originally you told me you were the only slayer in the world and now I’ve met, what, three others!"

"Actually, I’m not an official slayer anymore… And Faith’s in a coma.  Looks like you’re doing the work two slayers now."  The next person to join in on the conversation was Cameron.

"Chloe, Brendan came running in and said his girlfriend went loco on him.  He said you came out to help him, so I was wondering if she was a… Hi."  He finally noticed the other two people standing with me.  "Russian.  Was she a Russian?"  I was trying my hardest not to laugh at him.

"If by Russian you mean vampire, than yes.  Cameron, this is Buffy, the slayer I was telling you about."

"Hey, you have your own Scooby Gang, too.  Very cool!" I was very confused by what Xander said.

"Ignore Xander, we do most of the time.  Anyway, we’d better get going.  Nice meeting you, Chloe.  Maybe I’ll see you in a cemetery some time."  With that her and Xander walked away.

I was sitting in the library the next Monday well Margo walked around looking for various books.  I was supposed to be looking through my Slayer Handbook, but I found that way too boring, especially the section on The Order of Taraka.

"So, I met the slayer last night.  She was… well, shorter than I thought she’d be."

"Really?" Margo continued around the library.

"Yeah.  She helped me slay a vamp outside the Bronze.  She seemed nice enough."

"A vampire outside of the Bronze?"  She seemed to be looking over the fact that I had met the one person who knew where I was coming from on the slayer issue.

"Yeah, I assume it would be a popular place for them, all that young, fresh meat."

"Maybe I should go and check this place out for myself."

"Ew, no!"  I then realised how that sounded.  "No, it’s just… How would you feel if your vice-principal came to the place where all of the students go get away from school?  There’s no need for that!  Anyway, I’d better get gone. Mr. Colden is going to give me detention if I’m late again."  I quickly rushed out of the library.

Part 5
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