Part 5

The next night I was out on patrol with Cameron.  We were walking around the cemetery talking about various things like how our English teacher assigned us an essay with two days notice.

"I guess we should head in now.  We’ve been out here all night and haven’t seen one vampire.  We haven’t even seen one person.  Where is everyone tonight?"

"Oh, how could you say that?  Don’t you watch any horror movies?  Now something is just going to jump out of the bushes and attack us."

"No thanks, my life’s scary enough without any of those movies.  Anyway, come on."  The two of us walked out of the cemetery and started up the street.  "So, do you have any ideas for this essay?"

"Of course not.  And I won’t until about midnight tom…" Just as we started talking about something other than evil once again, something did jump out of the bushes.  It lunged at Cameron and pushed him to the ground.  As it leaned over him, I grabbed his collar and threw him against a tree.  He was blue with horns on the top of his head and he was very cold.  He came towards me again and I kicked him in the stomach.  He was strong and kept on walking towards me.  He hit me hard and I spun to the ground.  He spoke in a rough, scary voice.

"The end is near."

Before I could get up, he was on top of me with his freezing cold hands around my neck. I was losing breath fast and I felt like I was going to blackout anytime soon.  With my last ounce of strength I reached into my sleeve and pulled out a stake.  I knew he wasn’t a vamp, but piercing him right through the heart seemed to have done the job.  He collapsed on top of me.  I rolled him up and got to my feet.

"I told you so, didn’t I!  You had to say there was nothing to slay tonight!"  I didn’t need Cam’s mockery then.

The next day in the library I had just finished to tell Margo my story.

"And that’s the end.  Well, I look in on this demon, but I think he is just a foot soldier.  You go get something to eat and see if you came remember anything else about this demon."

I walked into the cafeteria and stood in line to grab some food.  As usual, Cam came up behind me.


"Hey, you’re allowed to eat with rest of civilisation today?  What’s up with that?"

"Margo’s looking up on our friend from last night.  Sounds like I’m going to have fun this weekend!"  I paid for the food that I had put on my plate and walked towards the couch in the student lounge where Cam and me sat.

"It’s not an Armageddon sort of thing, is it?  Cause that would really get me out of the Chem. test I have on Monday."

"The end of the world is no reason for you not to study!  Besides, it’s probably nothing."

After we had finished what we were eating, we were back in the library sitting at the table.

"It’s not nothing.  Actually, it’s very far from nothing…  This could possibly be the end of the world if we don’t stop it in time!  And Cameron, if you say one more thing about Chemistry again…"  Margo’s word were obviously not ones of encouragement.  For the first time in a year I was really scared of being the slayer.  If I screwed up, I had the whole world on my shoulders.

"About a week ago Sunnydale’s museum was broken into.  There were ancient artefacts in there that no one could decipher.  According to my research, these tablets were cursed.  When placed together during a specific ceremony, the whole earth could be swallowed into hell.  There are four tablets, one for each element, and the museum only had two.  Unless the person conducting this has the other two, we have a good chance of being able to stop this."

"Cool.  Where do we start?"  I think I sounded a little to breezy for everyone’s liking.

"Well, I would assume…" I decided I didn’t have time for that.

"If you don’t know, just say so."

I decided to start by smashing a guy’s head into his own bar.  As his head hit the bar you could hear bottles and cups rattles, some falling off.

"I’ll start again. Hi, I’m Chloe. And I have a little problem.  I heard you were the guy to come to."  I stood the guy up and let go of him so he stumbled backwards a little bit.

"Hi there Chloe, what’s you problem?"

"Oh, nothing too big, just heard this crazy rumour that the world is ending and I was just wondering if you could verify that one for me."

"The world’s ending again?!  I’ve heard nothing about that one."

"Are you sure, Willy?"  I stepped closer to him and sort of lowered my voice. "I have a very good method of making you get sure, you know.  It’s called bashing your face in so bad even your mother won’t know it’s you, let alone the coroners."

"Oh, well, I think I over heard a conversation or two about the subject."

"That’s a good boy."

"Yeah, some vamp holding up in an old warehouse on 3rd.  That’s all I know though, I swear!"

"That’s all I need to know.  Come on, we’re out of here."  I motioned to Cam who had been watching the whole thing.

"Are you a slayer?"  I stopped and gave Willy a look of annoyance.  "Cause if you are, may I suggest you guys make a calendar or something?  What I’ve seen of you girls so far is extremely…" I didn’t hear the rest because I had turned my back and walked out of the bar.  Cameron and I walked down the street away from the run down bar.

"Ok, who was that in there?  Cause that wasn’t the Chloe I know and love."

"What can I say, he pissed me off."

Cam and I strolled through the flapping doors of the library.

"Margo, What have you got for me?"  I was so serious it scared me.

Margo spoke with the knowledge she obviously had.  "These four pieces of what would make a pie were cursed seven hundred years ago as part of a, well, game.  The first to find the four pieces and place them together would be considered a great ruler of the underworld.  Luckily, their plans were stopped when a great night found all the pieces first and hid them all over the earth."

"Ok, well I find this place right now and stop this thing before anything else happens."

"It’s not that easy.  You don’t know what you’re up against." Margo sounded very concerned.  I spun around to look at her.

"Look, I have no other choice.  It’s either this or the whole world is finished.  What do you suggest?"  I knew I was being a bitch, but this was something I needed to do.

"I don’t know, but we have until the next full moon until they came perform the ceremony."

Cam was looking at a calendar on the desk.  "I hate to break it to you guys, but that’s tonight."

I was in the huge cabinet inside the book return cage filling a bag full of all the stakes and knives I could find.  Cam was flipping through a book trying to find anything and Margo was pacing.

"I think it’s times to advance your artillery." Margo made us all jump as she broke the silence.  Margo moved into the book-return and searched through the cabinet.  She finally pulled out a large crossbow.

"Wow.  Ok, I think I’m ready to leave now."  I started towards the door. Cam shot up "Well, we’re coming with you, aren’t we?"

"Oh, great.  An audience."

When we got to the warehouse, I looked through a small, dirty window. I saw two big guys, not unlike the one in the park the other day.  "Ok, show time!"  I opened a door to the warehouse very quietly and stayed in the shadows. The demons we speaking in a language I could not understand.  "Abbiamo les tavollettas."  "Quanti?"  "Quattro."  "Buono."  Margo came up behind me.  "They’re speaking Italian.  They have all the tablets."  "Good, I can deal with that!" I pulled out my new crossbow and aimed for the demon closest to me.  I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger until I heard the bow punctured one of the demons.  I opened my eyes and stepped out of the shadows.

"Buon Giorno, boys.  Whatchya up to?"  I immediately went into battle.  As I fought one demon, the other stood over the tablets. "Ho les tavollettas.  Io vinco!  Io vinco!"  After that the tablet stared to glow.  I quickly pulled out a knife from my bag and plunged it into the demon's chest.  As it stumbled, I started on the next.  I caught him from behind and pulled him away from the tablets.  He hit me in the face and I spun around.  He knocked me to the ground, but not before I kicked him in the stomach hard.  He was on top of me with his arms around his neck.  Using all the strength I had left, I reached up to the demons own neck and with one swift motion I broke it.  The massive blue monsters tumbled over.  I stumbled to get up and finally got over to the tablets.  They had all formed on.  I picked them up, raised them over my head and smashed they into little bits.  "Ciao."

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