Little Miracles

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is a response to Garnet’s challenge.  Here you go, I did it.  I just don’t know how well I did it.  This is total happy fic and takes place sometime after Fear Itself and I Fall To Pieces.  Probably at the beginning of the fifth season of Buffy and the second of Angel.  Kate still doesn't know that Angel’s a vamp though.  Enjoy.

Part 1

“Angel!” Cordelia called urgently, he and Doyle both rushed upstairs wondering what was wrong.  When they got there they saw a little girl of about three sitting on the desk.

“She just wandered in.” Cordelia said, gesturing to the child.

Angel knelt before her.  “What’s your name?” He asked gently.

“Laura.” She said in a baby-voice.

Angel felt himself melt, she was so adorable.

“Where’s your parents?” Doyle asked Laura in a friendly voice.

“Don’t got any.” She replied.

Angel stood up and looked at the others.  “She has to have come from somewhere.  I’ll talk to Kate.”

“Okay.  In the meantime I’ll go buy a change of clothes for her.” Cordelia offered, Angel agreed and gave her some money.  She smiled and then she and Laura left.

Angel nodded to Doyle and then went to see Kate.


“Angel, hi.” Kate said in surprise when he walked into the station.  “What’s up?  A new case?” She asked with a friendly smile.

“Sort of.” He explained the newest situation.

“Wow.  I’ll look around.  Do you want me to put her in Children’s AID until; we find a lead?”

Angel shook his head.  “I’ll look after her, I’ve seen what Children’s AID can do to kids.”

“Yeah.” Kate said sadly.  “Okay.  I’ll keep you posted.”

“Great.” Angel said, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek before leaving the station.


“Mr. Angel, I have to go to the bathroom.”  Came Laura’s insistent little voice from beside his bed.

Angel got up and looked at the girl.  “Couldn’t you get Cordeila to help you?”

Laura shook her head.  “She and the guy with the funny voice are fighting.”

“Fighting?” Angel asked, wondering what had happened now.

“Yes.  They were sitting very close together, and she kept moaning.”

Angel’s annoyance turned to shock, and then he had to restrain himself from laughing.

*Mental note, keep Laura away from Doyle and Cordelia.*  He thought, cursing his employees for not being able to keep their hands off each other.

Then he got up and held out his hand to Laura.  “Let's go.”

She smiled happily.  “Thanks Mr. Angel..”


Angel smiled at Laura’s happiness as she played with the doll he had bought her that morning.  She was so pretty.

He had had her two weeks, and already he couldn’t imagine life without her.  He hoped beyond hope that her parents had abandoned her so he could maybe adopt her.  He loved her so much.

Just then the door swung open and Spike walked in.

“Spike.” Angel said coldly.

“Angel.” Spike acknowledged and then glanced down at the little girl.  “Dinner or something else?” He said with an evil grin.

“Your sick.” Angel said in disgust, accidentally going into game face.

Laura noticed and glanced up t Angel.  “What’s wrong with your face?” She asked innocently, not one trace of fear in her voice.

“Aren’t you scared?” Angel asked in a low voice.

Laura shook her head.  “No.  You’re nice.  Why would I be scared?”

Angel had only been happier once before.  The night he and Buffy made love, but this was a different kid of happiness.  The type that was born out of blind trust. “

I love you.” Angel told Laura sincerely.

“I love you too..Daddy.” She added shyly.

Angel felt himself begin to cry then remembered Spike, he stood up to face his old enemy but saw him nowhere in sight.

He bent down again and gave Laura a hug.


“Now, remember what Aunt Cordelia taught you.” Cordelia reminded as she and Laura stood in front of the mirror.

“Be careful what kind of foundation you use. It affects the whole process.” Laura piped up.

“Very good.” Cordelia said with a smile at the little girl.

“What are you teaching the child?” Doyle asked as he walked into the main office.

“How to put on makeup.”

“Cordelia, she’s 3.”

“So?” Cordelia asked, Doyle shook his head and left.

“What’s Cordy doing?” Angel asked as Doyle entered his apartment.

“Teaching Laura about make-up.”

Angel didn’t say anything, just chuckled.  Cordelia was one of a kind.

Part Two
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