See Part 1 for disclaimer.

Part 2

“Find anything yet?” Angel asked Kate with dread six weeks after he had found Laura.  He adored every moment he had had with her, she was amazing.  So full of life.

"No.” Kate answered, shaking her head.  “Nobody's looking for her.”

“I want to keep her.” Angel said softly.

“Okay, see what I can do.” Kate replied, knowing what a wonderful father Angel would make.  She just wished that she could be the mother, not just for Laura but any future children he might have.

However she knew it would never happen.


Angel looked at the sleeping Laura and knew that she needed more than just a father, she needed a mother.

There was only woman he knew who could fit that job, the only one he wanted for the job.  Buffy.

He would go to Sunnydale that evening and talk to her.  He hoped that she would agree to the job.


“Hi.” Buffy said when Angel knocked on her door.

“Hi.” He said.

“Come in.” She invited, and he stepped in.  “What’s up?”

“It’s about Laura.”

“That kid you found?” Buffy asked, having heard about it from Cordelia.

“Yeah.  She needs a mother, I’m adopting her.”

“Are you asking me to help you raise her?” Buffy asked hopefully.  She had never imagined having children, not with her life.  But this was like a gift form the heavens, a child she could raise with Angel.

“Yes.” He said after a moment.  “If you want. “

“Yes.” She replied without a moments waiting.  “I need this Angel.”

“I know, so do I.” He said in a low voice.

She gave a small laugh. “And you said you could never give me children.”

He smiled and looked at her with love.  “What about the other part, living together will be tough.”

“I can help.” Said a voice from the doorway.  Willow.  “I found a way to make the curse permanent.  It’s a simple spell, I can do it.”  Willow said with a small smile, remembering the fight she and Buffy had had on Halloween.

Buffy grinned at the memory as well. “Great, thanks Will.”

“No problem.  I’m glad it’s working out for you both.” Willow said with a smile, going to get the supplies she needed.


“Laura, I’d like you to meet Buffy.” Angel said, hoping that the two women in his life hit it off.

“Are you my new mommy?” Laura asked hopefully, liking the pretty lady with her Daddy.

“Yes.” Buffy said, bending down to capture Laura in her arms.

Kate watched the scene from the doorway, she had come to check up on Laura and give Angel the adoption forms.

The scene she had just witnessed confirmed her belief that this was where Laura belonged, but it broke her heart.

Whoever the blonde was, Angel loved her deeply and so did Laura.  They were a family, they belonged together.


Three Years Later

“Mommy, Daddy look!” Laura exclaimed as she managed to ride her bike down the driveway with out training wheels.

Both her parents watched her proudly.

Buffy lay her head on Angel’s shoulder.  “What would we have done with out her?” She asked with a small smile.

“I don’t know.” Angel replied. “Thank God we never have to find out.”

“Yeah.” Buffy agreed, her heart full of love for Angel and Laura.

She was happier than she had ever thought she could be.  She never dreamed that she would actually get marriage and children, and with Angel.

It was so wonderful.


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