See Prologue for disclaimer

Part 1

May 20th 1998

Giles felt anticipation surge through him, today was the day.  In a few short hours he would see his daughter for the first time in sixteen years.

He had pictures of course, but it wasn’t the same as actually seeing her.

She was a pretty girl, with Katherine’s colouring and beautiful eyes, she had however appeared to have inherited his love of reading, and of course his poor eyesight.  She wore glasses in several of the pictures.

He walked over to his desk drawer and took out a picture of Katherine, he felt a pang in his heart as he glanced at his first love, and smiled sadly.

It wasn’t that he still loved Katherine, in a way he did, but not in the same way, Jenny had changed that, but they would always have a connection.

Their daughter.

He put the picture back in the drawer, and prepared to tell the others about Taela.

She was already aware of her destiny, she had been told before she caught her plane, which was a blessing, he wasn’t sure how she would react.

He thanked god that he never had to tell Buffy of her destiny, and he had a feeling this would be worse.

Not only is it her destiny to give up her life to save the world, but her entire life was a lie, that must be hard on a girl.  He hoped she understood it had to be done.


“Giles, What’s up?  Killer prophecy?” Buffy asked, comfortable on Angel’s lap, as he came out to join them.

“Sort of, it’s a long story.  Seventeen years ago I wed my childhood sweetheart, Katherine.  Soon after we married she found out she was pregnant, which delighted us both greatly.  I soon found out that if it was girl she would be the a combination of slayer/watcher, and the birth of an ancient prophecy, which would make her extremely powerful.  It would be a challenge, but I was prepared to face it.  However Katherine died giving birth, and the child, I named her Taela, had to be given up.  For sixteen years she was raised in a normal life, however today, her sixteenth birthday, she has been informed of everything.  She’s on her way to Sunnydale.”

Everyone just stared at Giles.  “Wow.” Buffy said, Everyone else nodded, except Jenny who had a betrayed look on her face.

Giles spoke again.  “Her flight arrives in an hour, I’d like you here for support when she arrives here.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.  Jenny nodded reluctantly, she was still hurt Rupert hadn’t told her.


A knock on the library door startled everyone into looking up.

Two girls were standing there, a pretty brunette and a cute blonde.

“Rupert Giles?” The brunette asked hesitantly approaching Giles.  He nodded, overwhelmed by seeing his daughter for the first time in sixteen years.

“I’m Taela, I guess I’m your daughter.  This,” she pointed to the blonde, “is Michelle, my best friend.  She knows everything.”

Giles nodded again, accepting that she, like Buffy, would need Civilian support.  This girl had obviously been her friend a long time, he seemed to remember her popping up in a few pictures, so he wouldn’t try to cut her out of Taela’s life.

As Giles continued to look at his daughter in amazement, Buffy walked up to Taela.  “Hi, welcome to Sunnydale.”

Taela smiled.  “Thanks, you must be the slayer.

“Yep, that’s me.” The two girls started talking.

On the other side of the room Xander and Cordelia were talking to Michelle.  Actually Xander was hitting on her, and Cordelia was waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

“I know we just met, but would you like to accompany me to The Bronze tonight.”

Michelle smiled shyly.  “I’d love that.  You’re Xander right?”

Xander smiled and nodded.  Cordelia just rolled her eyes at her ex-boyfriend and the new girl, and left the library.

Jenny approached Michelle, not ready to talk to Rupert’s daughter yet.

“You’ll be a Junior next year right?”

The girl nodded.  “Yeah, maybe, if I pass.  Taela’s the genius, I’m a certified dunce.”

Xander grinned. “We have a lot in common.”

Michelle laughed and went back to flirting with him.


Giles, who hadn’t had much to say in the hour, still speechless by his daughter’s resemblance to her mother, found his voice.

“Who’s staying where tonight?  Taela, of course will stay with me, but I only have one guest room, so for the time Michelle will need another place to stay.”

“Don’t look at me, mom would flip if I brought a stranger home to stay for a few days.  However, Mom’s going to New York tomorrow night so Michelle can stay then.” Buffy said smiling at her, she smiled back softly.

“She can stay with me!” Xander offered eagerly, Giles just gave him the look and ignored him.

Angel looked like he was about to offer his apartment for the night when Buffy shot him her ‘do-it-and-you-won’t-be-getting-any-for-centuries’ look.  He quickly changed his mind, Jenny spoke up.

“She can stay with me.  I’ve got the room.”

Michelle smiled.  “Thanks.  Do you have a computer?”

Jenny laughed.  “Yes, I’m a technopagan, and the computer-science teacher here.”

Michelle looked embarrassed.  “Oh.”

“It’s okay, let’s go.”

Everyone nodded, following her out of the library.

Part 2
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