Watcher's Child

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy do not belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, 20th Century Fox, and Mutant Enemy.  Taela Smith, Michelle McKague and Jen Willis don’t belong to me either.  They’re real people, one of them’s actually me, so I guess I do own Michelle.  Taela’s just my best friend, and Jen’s another close friend of ours.  I have both of their permission to use them in this story.  I don’t own anything in this story except Me.

Author's Notes: This is for my best friend, she got me hooked on BtVS, so I decided to get her back by putting her in one of my stories.  I decided to put my self in just for the heck of it.  And my other best friend Jen wanted to be killed by Spike ‘cause he’s her favourite character, so I wrote it in for her.  Most of the facts are not real, though some are.  Jenny’s alive in this story, Angel never turned bad, but Surprise did happen, just not Innocence, Oz isn’t a werewolf, and Cordelia and Xander dated, but broke up and stayed sort-of-friends, what they were before.


Rupert held his infant daughter close to him, knowing that it would be sixteen long years before he saw her again.  That’s the way it had to be, if Katherine hadn’t died it would be different, but you couldn’t change the past.

His wife, the love of his life, was gone, and now he had to give up their child.

He knew he would get her back, but it wouldn’t be until she was practically grown.  A single watcher really couldn’t raise a child, especially not this one, not with her destiny.

He kissed the baby’s head and then handed her to her adopted mother.

For safety reasons the child, whom he had named Taela Mary after her mother’s surname, Taylor, and his mother, Mary, would be raised to believe she was the couple’s child.  She would live a completely safe and normal life.

Until her Sixteenth birthday, and then she would be told the truth, and of her destiny.

Rupert held back tears as his daughter’s new family drove away, to the airport which would take them to Canada and her new life, sixteen years was going to seem like an eternity.

Part 1
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