See Prologue for Disclaimer.

Part 1

Buffy and Giles were doing their usual Wednesday night patrol.  They aimlessly walked around the graveyard in search of a newly risen vampire.

"You know, I'm missing 'Get Real' tonight."  Buffy whined as she usually did on patrol.

"Is there even anything remotely 'Real' on that show?"  Giles insulted the teen drama as he usually did anything.  Just then a vampire came up behind Giles.  Buffy pushed Giles away and attacked the vampire with several blows to the head.  She continued to punch the demon until he knocked her down with one blow and fled in the nearby trees.  Buffy and Giles quickly followed until they came to a spilt in the path.

"I'll go right, you go left." Buffy instructed Giles.  Giles continued through more trees, whereas Buffy was drawn to a clearing with more graves.  Sitting on top of one grave was a girl about 16.

"You know, you shouldn't be out here alone in the dark.  It's dangerous." Buffy was obviously trying to get rid of the girl.

"I can take care of myself.  Maybe you can help me.  I'm looking for..."  The girl was interrupted by the lunging of the vampire at her back.  She flipped him over towards Buffy.  Buffy attacked him series of kicks and punches.

"You're the Slayer, aren't you?"  The girl asked in the background.

"Pardon?" Buffy could not hear over the fighting.  She threw the vampire at a tree and turned to face the girl.  "What did you say?"

All of the sudden the vampire attacked Buffy from behind, knocking her to the ground.  He was on top of her, attempting for her neck.  Right then the girl drives a stake through the vampire's heart.  "I said, you're the slayer, aren't you."

"Who wants to know?" Buffy was trying to play it cool.

"Well, I'm..."

"Breena?!"  She was interrupted by Giles' surprising entrance.

"You know this girl?" Buffy was confused.

"I should hope so. He's my father."  Breena said sarcastically.

The crew was sitting around Giles' living room starring at Breena while Buffy was talking to Giles outside.

"What do you mean you didn't think it was necessary to tell me?  I thought we told each other everything... Or at least I tell you everything!"  Buffy was really giving it to Giles.

"I noticed." Giles slipped in there sarcastically.  "Look, I'm sorry.  I didn't think it would effect our relationship if you knew I had once had a family."

Inside everyone sat awkwardly until Xander broke the silence.

"So, why no accent?"

"Uh, I moved to British Columbia when I was ten."  Breena seemed shocked by the question.

"Cool, Canada." Willow said trying to keep the conversation up.  "So where are you originally from?"

"Wow, all these questions.  Well, of course I was born in England...  Well, Manchester to be exact."

"Manchester?!" Spike perked up.  "I think I actually like this one!"

"Are you from there?"  Breena was asking the questions now.

"Well, not originally, but I spent most of last century there."  Spike answered with a smile on his face as he remembered England in his head.  Breena looked confused by his answer.

"I think I'm just going to make sure I didn't cause too much trouble between my dad and Buffy."  Breena broke away from the group and went towards the door.  From the tiny window facing the front of the apartment, Breena could see Buffy and Giles.  She could also see that Buffy was not too happy with Giles at the moment.  She slowly opened the door and made her way outside.

"Sorry to interrupt..." Breena said in a low voice.

"That's ok, I have nothing left to say here." Buffy stormed off.

"I'm so sorry if I caused any trouble between you two." Breena apologised.

"That's ok.  She's just had a really hard time trusting anyone and this did not make it any better." Giles starred off as he spoke.  "Besides, she's 19.  She'll forget it even happened in a couple of days."

"Should I be relieved or insulted by that comment?" Breena said sarcastically.  Both of them smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Giles then said seriously.  "What happened Gwenyth?"

"Oh my god, you don't know yet.  Auntie Gwenyth was killed a few months back.  They told me it was homicide...  But, well... The thing is, when you left the council, we lost our protection.  And the fact that her neck had a scarf covering it was the funeral did not please me at all."

"Oh, Breena, I'm so sorry.  Nobody told me." Giles looked completely shocked by the news.  "Why did nobody tell me."

"I don't know.  I was told you knew.  But you know Gran..." Breena broke eye contact with Giles.

"So, where are you staying now?"

"At the moment, no where." Breena replied.

"Well, you could..." Breena broke Giles off.

"And I refuse to go back to England and stay with Gran.  You know how she is.  I'm not living with her." Giles agreed with Breena.

The next morning Giles and the Scooby Gang were eating breakfast at his apartment.

"So, I'm confused... Is she or is she not going back to England?" Xander said.

"No, not going back to England..." Giles replied and she drank his morning tea.

"Is she staying here then?" Willow piped up.

"No...  Well, yes...  Oh, I don't know...  I don't want her here.  Not that I don't, it's just she's been through enough already.  If she stays here I know that she'll get involved in our, uh, activities and I don't want her to have to face that." Giles rambled on.

Breena leaned casually against the doorframe.  "Well, I let you in on something.  I know way too much about your 'activities' already.  And it seems the further I put myself from them, the more they follow me.  Sending me away does not make those creatures of the night go away... it makes them worse."  She then walked back down the hallway and slammed a bedroom door.  Giles got up to follow her, but Buffy went instead.  She walked down the door and gently knocked on the door.  She opened it to find Breena sitting on the bed, starring out the window.

"Hey" Buffy said quietly.  Breena returned the 'hey'.  "Can I ask what that was all about?"

"It's a long story." Breena said thinking it would make Buffy leave.

"I have some spare time."

"Ok..." Breena drew a deep breath.  "When my father was working for the Council, he got a certain amount of privileges...  Well, his family did.  We had this sort of protection...  But when he quit the Council, we lost our protection.  That seemed to make me a big target.  But I wasn't exactly a target, the people around me were.  It seemed like I lost at least one friend a week.  Then one night I was walking down the street with my aunt.  It seemed safe at the time and the next thing I knew I was literally watching the life being drained out of her.  And there was nothing I could do." Her eyes were watering and you could tell she was fighting hard to keep back the tears.

"Vampire fixation..." Buffy said quietly to herself.  Breena gave her a questionable look. "Vampire fixation... Vampires do it all the time... God, it was Angel's trademark."

"Angel?.." Breena asked.

"Not really important.  See, vampires don't just stalk their prey, they make their lives a living hell.  Kill anyone or anything close to them.  The watcher's protection thingy might have made you more of a challenge." Buffy was pacing around the room at this point.  "Ok, I know you don't want this, but we have to tell Giles."

"Not right now, ok. He already doesn't want me here as it is and I don't want to put him through anything like this yet.  Besides, it won't be that easy to find me here in Sunnydale." Breena argued.

"But, any minute..." Buffy argued back.

"Just... Please?" The tears were back in Breena's eyes.

Xander and Anya were sitting on Giles' couch watching the television as usual as Giles made his way down the stairs.

"Don't you have somewhere else to watch that?" Giles asked.

"It's laundry day, so mom took over the basement." Xander answered without taking his eyes off the TV.  "So, where are you off to?" MO<"Sunnydale High." Breena answered as she entered the room.

"What?" Xander said confused.

"Breena's enrolling there." Giles made Xander even more confused.

"So, are you staying in Sunnydale then?" Anya jumped into the conversation.

"I don't know yet...  Anyway, I have to finish the semester or else I'll lose my whole year."

"Oh, ok. Well, just be careful in that place.  It's evil I tell you." Xander said to them as they got their coats on and opened the door.  "And say hi to Mr. Ballard for me."

Giles and Breena waited quietly outside the Vice-Principal's office.  People rushed noisily around them.  All of the sudden the door marked "Ms Wilson" opened and our popped the head of the brown haired VP.  "Breena Giles I presume." She said in a British accent.  Giles and Breena stood up and walked into the office.  The door was shut behind them and they both sat down in two chairs in front of a large desk.

"Margo." Giles said flatly with the slightest bit of question in his voice.

"Rupert, hello." Ms. Wilson replied.

"You two know each other?" Breena asked.  They both ignored the question and went on.

"So, Breena's transcripts have arrived and everything seems to be intact.  You can start classes immediately." Margo stated.

"Like how immediately?" Breena asked with a bit of teen angst in her voice.

"As soon as you follow me to the library to pick up your books."

"Well, I guess everything is in order here." Giles said standing up.  "I will bee leaving now, then."

"Good day Mr. Giles."

In the library Ms. Wilson was piling book after book into Breena's arms.  Then she led her over to the library desk and started to sign out the books in her name.  Just as they were finishing, a girl and boy about Breena's age walked into the library.  They walked over to the table in the middle and put their stuff down.

"So, who's the new girl?" The girl asked.

"Chloe, Cameron, this is Breena.  She is new." Ms. Wilson replied.

"I think we established that by 'who's the new girl'" Cameron remarked. MO<"Yes, well.  Cameron, I was hoping you'd show Breena around while Chloe and I worked." Ms. Wilson asked.

"Sure, let me see your schedule." Cameron grabbed her schedule out of Breena's hand.  "Cool, we have English Lit. together after lunch.  Great class!  You wanna go grab something to eat?" Breena accepted and they left the library.  Margo turned around.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked her.

"Nothing..." Margo muttered out.

"I think after working so close for so long I know you well enough." Chloe replied.

"It's just... The past..." Margo trailed off.

Giles walked in the front door of his house. Xander and Anya turned around.

"Why are you still here?" Giles said in an annoyed tone.

"We had no where else to go." Xander replied.

"Besides, we couldn't just leave him here alone." Anya said as Giles started up the stairs.  Giles turned around and walked back down the stairs.

"Giles, have you seen any packets of blood in your fridge?  I saw some it there last time I was here." Spike walked out of the kitchen holding a mug in his hand.  Giles just turned around and walked back up the stairs.  He sat on the edge of his bed and starred out the window.

Part 2
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