See Prologue for Disclaimer.

Part 2

Breena was trying to fit all of her new books into her locker.  Cam and Chloe came up and leaned against the lockers.

"How was math?" Cam asked.

"Peachy... Where do you guys live?  Maybe we can walk home together?"

"Actually we, uh, help out in the library after school." Chloe sounded as if she was avoiding walking home with Breena.

"Ok... Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Breena shut her locker and walked out of the school.  She slowly walked down the streets of Sunnydale, trying to remember which way Giles' apartment was.  When she arrived home, she found Spike lying on the couch watching the television.  She threw her jacket and bag down and went into the kitchen.

"Hey, how was school?" Spike said sarcastically.

"Great..." Breena said flatly as she poured juice into a cup.  "Where is everyone?.. And why is there all this blood in the fridge?"

"Giles yelled at Xander and Anya, so they left and said they'd be back later; Giles had a headache and went to the store for Tylenol; Buffy went to her mom's for dinner; and my power's out so I'm keeping it here." Spike said as fast as he could have.

"Oh... Keeping what here?" Breena had gotten confused.

"The blood.  So how is Sunnydale treating you so far?"

"I don't know... It's beautiful here... and I'm already sick of it.  It's way too sunny and nice here.  I need some rain." She sulked.

"I hear ya." Spike agreed.  They sat depressed for a few moments before being interrupted by Giles.

"Hey." Breena said to him and she started up the stairs.  He nodded his head and continued his way up.  "God, is it really that bad to have me here?" Breena went off to her room.

Just as Spike was just settling back down on the couch, Buffy and Willow walked through the door.  They put their school bags down on the table and looked around the apartment.

"Where is everybody?" Buffy asked Willow.

Spike stuck his head up.  "Giles went upstairs and Breena went down the hall.  It was a very uncomfortable situation."

"And you are here because?" Willow asked.

"Because... I was... I had nowhere else to go." Spike said as he lost his dignity.

"Why so much tension?" Buffy asked not paying attention to anything else.  "Was there a fight?"

"Not exactly.  More of a non-verbal thing.  She got home, then Giles got home, then she said hi, then he ignored it, then she said something about being unwanted."

"I'm going up to see Giles." Buffy said to Willow.

"I would be careful if I were you.  He's Mr. Grouchy today.  He yelled at Anya and Xander and then kicked them out." Spike lit up a cigarette as he spoke.

"What time will they be back?" Willow said as she opened the lid of her laptop.

"Anytime now."

Buffy started up the apartment's stairs.  As she made it to the top, she knocked on the wall. Giles was facing the window still.  When he didn't say anything, she walked over and sat in a chair facing Giles.

"What's up?" Buffy said quietly.

"What?.. um, nothing." Giles looked very distracted.

"Then why do you look like someone just died?"

"No one died..." He sounded like that had a deeper meaning than it did.

"What does that mean?" Giles didn't answer her question.  "Well, I'd say you better figure out what's wrong. . Because your not the only one whose hurting." Buffy stared a Giles for a minute. Then she stood up and went back downstairs.  As she walked down the stairs she saw Anya and Xander were back.

"So, did you find out what was wrong with him?" Anya said to Buffy.

"Anya... Well, what is wrong with him?" Xander came in.

"Hey." Breena came out of the hall and went into the kitchen.  "Anybody want something to eat?"

"Food?" Xander perked up.  "Giles never makes us food."  An hour later the whole gang was sitting around the apartment eating.  Buffy and Breena were in the kitchen.  "And did he say anything?"

"No... Sorry." Buffy replied.

"It's not your fault.  I just wish..." Breena was cut off by a knock at the door.  Buffy got up and walked over to the door.  She opened it and found nobody out there.  She looked around the outside of the apartment.

"Hello?" Buffy called out.  She shut the door.  "That was weird..."

"Who was it." Willow came up behind Buffy.

Buffy jumped a little and turned around.  "I don't know, but I didn't like it." There was a bang at the door again.  Buffy grabbed a letter opener off the nearby table.

"What are you going to do with that?"  Xander asked in the background where everyone had their eyes on Buffy.

"I'll figure something out." Buffy pulled the door open and raised the letter opener above her head.

"Buffy!" Riley said freaked.

Buffy dropped her arm down and pulled Riley in.  "Did you just knock a minute ago?"

"No, but I found this outside." He held up an envelope with the name BREENA printed on the front. Breena walked over and took the envelope from Riley.  She opened it up and pulled out some photos.  Almost immediately tears streamed out of her eyes and she fell down in a near by chair as the photos fell to the floor.  Buffy picked up the picture off the ground. "

Oh my god..." Buffy picked up the photos and showed them to Riley.  They were four different pictures of people lying dead in an ally, all the blood drained from them.

The next day Breena was wondering outside of Sunnydale High before third period.  She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped about a mile in the air, along with screaming.  She turned around to find Cam behind her.  "Are you alright?"

"Yah, I just had a rough night.  I'm a little jumpy." Breena was trying to cool down.

"Oh, sorry." Cam apologised.

"It's not your fault..."

"Do you want to walk to third period together?" Breena replied to Cam's invite with a nod.  "Ok, I just have to stop by the library to pick up a book first."  The two of them headed into the school and towards the library.

In the library, Giles was sitting across the main table from Margo.  There was an awkward silence, which Giles eventually broke.  "What are you doing here?"

"Council's orders.  New slayer." Margo replied.

"I don't just mean in Sunnydale, I mean alive.  We... I thought you'd been dead for nine years.  Or at least that seems to be what you wanted us to think." Giles sounded angry.

"I was under specific orders from the Council." Margo broke eye contact with Giles.

"Since when did you listen to the Council?" Margo never answered him.  "You had a family... Does that not mean anything to you?"

"You seemed to have gotten along fine without me..."

"Yes, I accept your absence, but... Breena's your daughter.  How can you just ignore that?" Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, as he seemed to be not getting through to Margo at all.  They were startled by the sound of books drop in the background and the door flying.  Cam dropped down to pick up the books.

"We were just coming to pick up my book and..." Cam trailed off.  He turned around and ran towards the doors.  "Breena, wait!"

Giles stood up and put his glasses on.  "You cannot tell me that your actions do not effect others."  He walked out of the library.

Breena turned the corner to a secluded wall of the school.  She leaned against it, slid down and took a big breath in.  Cam slowly came around the corner.  "Hey."  He put down a backpack.  "I grabbed your stuff for you."


Cam sat down against the wall beside Breena.  "What happened in there..."

"I don't want to talk about it." Breena cut him off.


"It's just... when I came to Sunnydale it was to get away from all the demons in my life.  Now it's just like... Sunnydale's a big crap-fest!"  She gave a tiny smile.

"Well, at least you can still smile after all that.  And I know what you mean.  Sunnydale is not what anybody expect..." Cam said.

"I don't think the world is what anybody expected..."

Giles was in his kitchen making coffee while Willow surfed the net and Buffy sharpened a stake in the corner.  Breena walked through the front door and threw down her bag.

"Breena, I'm glad you're here.  About what happened today..." Giles started.

"I don't want to talk about it." Breena said casually.

"But I think it's best..." Giles was cut off again.

"Look, did you know she was alive?"

"While... uh... no, not exactly." Giles said.

"Then I'm not mad at you and there's nothing to talk about." By that time Breena had sat at the table with Willow and opened up a schoolbook.  "What are you guys up to?  Big demon chase?"

"Nope, we're at sort of a lull right now... and it's boring us." Buffy said.

"This is weird... I can't find one recent mysterious murder." Willow shut the lid of her laptop.

"Ok, this is too creepy for me."  Breena grabbed her books and moved into her room.

Giles stared at her as she walked out of the main room.  "Why is she doing this?  She's acting like nothing is going on..."

"I wonder where she gets that from..." Buffy said to herself.

"I'm sure she's going to let it out sometime... or have a nervous breakdown..." Willow said opening the lid of her laptop again.

An hour later they were still just sitting around.  Breena walked out and stopped in front of the door.  "I'm going out."

"Where?" Giles said.

"To the Bronze." Breena questioned what she had just said.

"Hey, I miss that place!"  Willow said without taking her eyes off her computer.

"Bye!" Breena shut the door behind her.

"Yah, she really seems upset." Buffy said sarcastically.  "Will, what do you say we pick up the rest of the gang and go Bronzing tonight?"

"Sounds like fun to me!" Willow started to pack up her stuff.  Giles smiled for the first time in what seemed to be forever.

Breena was sitting at a table in the Bronze with Cameron and Chloe.  "So, this is the coolest place in town..." Breena said looking around.

"Basically... I know, it's pretty pathetic." Chloe said.

"Hey guys!" A tall, dark haired guy around their age came up behind them.  "Hey, you must be the new girl."

"I guess I am..." Breena replied.

"Breena, this is Brendan.  Unfortunately, he thinks we like him and is constantly hanging around us." Cam stepped in.

"Well, fancy meeting you here!" Breena turned around to find Buffy and the rest of the Scooby Gang behind her.

"Hey... What are you doing here?" Breena asked.

"Where else would we go in Sunnydale?" Anya took a seat at the table.

"Oh..." She turned to Cam, Chloe and Brendan.  "Ok, this is Willow, Tara, Xander, Anya and Buffy.  Guys, this is Cam, Brendan and..."  She was cut off.

"Chloe." Buffy said.

"You guys know each other?" Breena was confused.

"Yah... Well, I've met her in a cemetery or two..." Buffy said.

"In a cemetery?.. Oh, in a cemetery..." Breena paused as she thought about that.  "Was that supposed to be a good 'oh' or a bad one?"

"A good one." Chloe spoke up.

"Ok, I'm totally lost..." Xander said.

"What a surprise." Willow said.  The rest of the gang sat down with Anya.

"So, what are you crazy kids doing tonight?" Buffy asked.

"Actually, it's late and I've still got some homework to do.  I'm just going to get gone." Breena stood up.

Chloe stood up after her.  "We'll come with you." Cam stood up after her.  "Nice seeing you again." The three of them left.  They walked down the back alley that the entrance of the Bronze was located on.  It was dark out and they walked down the street together.  Breena said nothing about what she learned at the Bronze.  The street was silent and dark, and just as they were about to turn a corner, something crabbed Breena's arm and twisted it around.  As this happened you could actually hear the bone break and Breena screamed in pain.  Chloe went to work.  She hit the vampire until he let go of Breena.  Then she through the vamp to the ground.  She turned around to face Cam and Breena.  "Get out of here!" She ordered them. The two of them got up and ran.  When then were half way down the block, Breena stopped and turned around.

"We have to go help her."

"I think she can handle it!" Cam said sarcastically.  "Besides, your arm... We have to get to a doctor!"

"No, she doesn't know that vampire!" Breena clinched from the pain.

"And you do?" Cam asked

"Well... No... No, I don't." Breena walked on and met Cam.

Chloe grabbed a stake out of her coat.  The vampire approached her and she raised the stake. He hit it out of her hand and she kicked him in the chest.  Chloe scrimmaged for the stake. The vampire grabbed her from behind and through her into a tree.  She slid to the ground and he through an envelope at her.

"Give that to Breena for me." The vampire said.

Chloe jumped to her feet, but by the time she had the vampire was gone.  She looked all around the street for the vampire, but he was nowhere.  She bent down and picked up the letter. On the front Breena's name was printed on the front in the same manor it was on the other envelope.

Part 3
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